Chapter 6 - Dumbledore's Army

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Third-Person POV

30th November 1995

Tilly is lying on her and Draco's bed while Draco finishes so of his work. "Baby, can't you do that later?" Tilly whines, standing up and walks over to Draco. Leaning on his shoulder, slowly kissing his neck, trying to distract him. "Come on; I want to cuddle."

"Tilly," She takes a step back; it's never good if Draco calls her "Tilly'. "We can't be doing this, Umbridge has made clear rules, and we shouldn't break them."

"Draco, she's not going to come into our room-" Draco stops Tilly from talking.

"It's not our room; it's mine!" Draco turns back, doing his work as Tilly's heart cracks.

"Fine. I have to be somewhere anyway." Tilly makes her way to the door when Draco calls out.

"Where are you going?" Tilly sighs.

"The Ministry, for my testing and to see if I'll still have a Dad." Draco face drops realising, he may have made a mistake, and the timing was even worse.

"Till, you're right-"

"No! I'm not going to come crawling back every time; you're a dick to me. This is happening. And it's your fault. So, don't whine and get jealous if I'm seen with some another guy, or hell, even a girl." Tilly yells and storms out of the room.

Lunch was over, and Tilly wanted to walk with someone who wouldn't annoy her or talk much. Then she spots the exact person, Neville. "Hey, Neville."

"Oh, hi, Tilly." Tilly smiles at the boy's shyness and bumps his shoulder.

"Where are we walking?" Neville shrugs his shoulder, and Tilly just follows the silent boy until a wall they pass starts to move and makes a door appear. Tilly and Neville looked at each other, with grins on their faces.

The two bring Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins to the room, and they couldn't be happier.

"You've done it, Neville. You found the Room of Requirement." Tilly smiles and jumps into Neville's arms, hugging him tightly. Tilly and Neville leave while the other get the word out.

"You excited for the game coming up? I am, I don't know how Slytherin will go, but I hope Ron does well; remind him to ignore the Slytherin's." Neville nods; as they turn a corner, Neville plucks up the courage to ask.

"Tilly, I suck and everything besides Herbology. Would you mind staying late after each practice to help me? One on one?" Tilly looks to the boy next to her, completely missing the blonde head of hair listening in.

"I'd love to spend one on one time with you, Neville." Tilly links their arms, and the two skip off to the Gryffindor Common Rooms. Draco clenched his jaw and fists, wanting to punch Longbottom, but holds it in, remembering Tilly's words. This is all his fault.

14th December 1995

The season for quidditch started late due to Umbridge, but it is finally back. Harry catches the snitch, and the game is over. For some foul reason, Umbridge didn't let Tilly be seeker, so Draco had to fill in, plus having half the team being back-ups as the others were sick or not allowed to play, making an easy match for Gryffindor.

"Nice game, all of you," Harry calls out to his team as Tilly walks away to Hermione on the sides. The twins and a few others go over to Harry as they celebrate the win when Draco runs his mouth. Malfoy starts laying into the twins and Harry, going on about the lyrics to his song about Ron and how he'd wanted to fit in nasty slurs about his parents. Tilly and Hermione run over to the fight and watch as Harry tries to hold George back; it takes all the Chasers to hold back Fred. Then Malfoy suggests that he hasn't realised how disgusting the Weasley home is because his Mother's house probably smelled the same.

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