Chapter 3 - Secret's Out

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Third-Person POV

1st September 1995

As the group made their way to the platform, Sirius walks up behind Harry in dog form and goes into an empty waiting room. Tilly and Harry follow while Moody stands guard.

"Why did you come in dog form? You're a free man."

"I know, but some people still don't accept I'm free. Anyway, I wanted you to have this." He hands Harry an old photo of The Original Order of The Phoenix. "Not a day goes by where I don't miss your Dad," Sirius says to James.

"Do you think there's going to be another war?" Tilly asks.

"It feels as it did before last time." Sirius answer mysteriously, yet answering what she asked.

Tilly and Harry were pushing their way through the younger kids on the train station. When all sound stop and surroundings slow down, there standing before them is Voldemort is a suit and The Dark Lady in black robes looking to the ground shielding her face from Harry. The sound of them speaking Parselmouth fills their ears, then they jolt awake, finding themselves in a train compartment. Tilly stands and goes for a short walk seeing Draco.

"Hey, love. You happy we both got Prefect?" Tilly nods, sitting down next to him.

"We should get going to the introductions." Draco nods, taking Tilly hand and walking down with her to where McGonagall and Snape told them to go. Tilly and Draco sit down across from Hermione and Ron, who smile at Tilly and barely nod to Draco. They all look very uncomfortable, so they wrap up the meeting quickly. Tilly watches as Draco turns one way and Ron and Hermione turn the other. The two parties look at Tilly, watching her decide. Tilly sighs and waves bye to Draco.

"I'm going to sit with James and these two. I'll see you later." Draco had, had it with this.

"Are you dating Potter or something? All you do is spend time with him! What happened to my best friend? What happened to my..." Draco stops talking before he says, girlfriend. "What happened to My Till?" Draco turns away, saddened by Tilly not going with him. Tilly wanted to go after him, but Ron and Hermione take her out.

The four walk-in silence after exiting the train. Tilly had her head down but heard the click of dress shows approaching, making her lookup. "I'm surprised the Ministry is still letting you walk free Potter, better enjoy it while you can." Draco sneers.

"Draco, don't, please."

"I bet they have a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." Harry lashes out at Draco, and Tilly jumps in front, stopping the two from colliding.

"Stay away from me. Stay away from us!"

"Till!" Draco grabs Tilly's arm protectively, taking her from Harry, but Harry grabs the other. "I don't want to hurt her, so just let go, Potter."

"You will never have her. You will never date her!" Draco sighs, hearing Harry's words. Are Till and Potter together? I hope not.

"Whatever." Draco walks off, clearly jealous of Harry.

Tilly snatches her arm from Harry and storms over to the carriages. Tilly smiles as Cho disappears, leaving Harry. Tilly and Harry turn around and are shocked, coming face to face with a Thestral. Neville stands next to Tilly as Harry asks about the creature pulling the carriage. Tilly sits down, thinking about how she can see them now. Harry can see The Thestrals because he thinks Cedric died, but Tilly knows he's alive. I can see them because I've killed people and watch them die. Tilly phases out and doesn't hear any of the conversations between the friends.

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