Number One Fan! Interview with racingheart

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It's actually quite hard to say, because I also completely love rap. I love all of Eminem's songs a lot, and not only the girly ones like "Love the Way You Lie", but "Stan". Has anyone heard it? It was so sad, it almost made me cry.

As for cake? Chocolate all the way! I love those fudge-y cakes, with cream and everything... Yum... I'm getting hungry now.

Actually, that's quite boring. I'm going to say "orange-pear-marshmallow-Vaseline-pencil-chips-hairspray" instead.

7.       What inspired you to start writing and what is the most enjoyable thing about it for you?

I absolutely love reading, and in an email from an old friend in England, she told me about Wattpad. I ran out of books in my little book stash, and so I just thought, why not? And I have to say, a lot of the books on Wattpad are amazing. I've read almost all the books in the featured section. Then I thought I might try writing, and so I did.

The best part for me is the reader response. I love all comments, and it cheers me up when I read through them - which I honestly do. I understand I'm quite a "marmite" writer - you either love me, or you hate me and think I'm stupid and clichéd. Which, to be fair, I guess I am.

8.       Film producer Matthew Vaughn said that "Clichés are what make you understand something", and you have openly embraced the clichéd aspects of your stories. Do you consciously set out to write stories that will appeal to the most people or do you just write what you like and find yourself surprised at your huge readership? Explain.

I never consciously want to write clichéd stories, but I guess I'm that type of writer. I like writing about the romance - the first sight, first kiss, and happy ending. It's all totally unrealistic, but I can't help it. Sometimes, just for a joke, I think about having sad, "unclichéd" end to a story, but I really can't. It would make me sad.

I don't mind being called clichéd, because when someone calls me clichéd, I just say back, "Even Romeo and Juliet wasn't original". Originality is what we all strive for, and only some achieve it.

Of course I'm always surprised at my huge readership. I've always considered myself a pretty average writer. I'm definitely surprised when I see some of my positive comments, and the amount of people who have voted.

Some people hate me for being clichéd, and I understand their view. I really don't mind any negative comments on my stories or my message board, or wherever. You have to accept criticism to become better, which is why I've never deleted a comment, no matter how negative they truly are, because those people are your true critics. Of course it's nice, to get a little ego-boost, but most of the time those nice comments, the ones that make you smile, won't help you in the long run.

9.       What do you feel are your strengths and weaknesses as a writer?

My weaknesses? Definitely my lack of description, but I'm working on that. Also, writer's blocks. Those are the worst. It annoys me like hell, when I'm sitting in front of a blank screen, staring at my fingers, willing them to type.

I guess on my strengths is getting past writer's blocks. I go out a lot; how can you write about life, if you don't experience it yourself? But that's not really a strength, is it? It's my ability to party.

I don't have a lot of strengths. Maybe speling?

Do you get it? That was a joke. "Speling"? No? Okay.

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