Chapter eighteen - Imperio

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"Daph!" I spun around to find Holly trying to catch up with me.

"How's it going? Can you handle it all?" I asked, still worrying she'd break down anytime.

"Oh you underestimate me, those mind-doctors sure did a number on me," she smiled at me and we started heading out for defence against the dark arts with our newest professor. They called him Mad-eye Moody, for a good cause. Something about him did not sit quite right with me. Just like this whole act of Holly's. So you're telling me that she's completely okay now? Sure, I can feel everything that they implanted in our memories, and I feel the connection. But I'm not okay, then how could she be?

"Do you remember what the sorting hat said to you that night?" Holly distracted me from my pondering.

"I haven't thought of that in ages!" I smiled at the silly memory.

"Turns out it was right after all, how crazy is that?" Holly hooked her arm in mine.

"Well he didn't tell us we have a lot more than just energy in common, kinda rude don't you think?" Holly let out a weird chuckling sound and I just looked at her funny like the weirdo she is.

"I'll just run to the bathroom before class, save me a seat?" She nodded and I turned away to head for the restrooms. As I got closer I saw Malfoy standing outside the doors with a broody man I recall as Flint, head of the Slytherin quidditch team. I caught a glimpse of Flint handing Malfoy something that looked like pills, and him shoving it down his pocket before heading to the bathroom.

"What's up Greengrass?" Flint smiled at me and I just nodded. He sure did seem cocky, and I had no idea that he even knew my name?

I hurried into the ladies room and went into one of the stalls. As I had just pulled down my stockings, skirt and sat down on the cold rim I heard the door to the ladies room creek as it opened. I didn't give it much thought until I saw shoes and a silhouette appear outside my stall. I swallowed as I carefully pulled up my skirt and stockings. I grabbed my wand at the realization that those shoes were too big to belong to a girl, and quickly flushed. I saw the shoes shift slightly and I put my hand on the doorknob, wand at the ready. As I pushed the door open I jumped at the sight of blood shot eyes staring at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at Malfoy.

"You know why I'm here, don't play dumb." Malfoy took a step closer towards me, closing the space between us.

"I didn't see anything, okay?" I tried as I glared at him.

"If you tell anyone," he hissed between his teeth and I felt the goosebumps raise on my arms.

"I promise. But I don't think it's a big shocker to anyone if it came out that Flint was dealing, or that you took steroids.." I looked down at the floor, forgetting who I was talking to. Malfoy slammed his hand onto the stall right beside my head and leaned in over me.

"You silly girl. If you think you're acting smart now..." he dragged his wand across my neck and I flinched and held my breath, afraid the slightest move would be lethal.

"And no, I'm not taking steroids. The opposite actually. I'm trying to contain myself from slaughtering the entire school," he smirked at me with his usually bright eyes being jet black and I had never been more scared in my entire life.

Who was this boy really?

Malfoy dragged his wand across my jaw, looking at it fascinated, continued up to my hair and lifted a piece of it with his wand. I jumped at the sudden sound of something slashing and I saw a piece of hair fall to the floor. I covered my mouth to keep myself from screaming as I hyperventilated. Malfoy just laughed at me, turned his heel and left me there in the bathroom, scared for my life at what had just happened. But all I could think about was that I had to protect Holly, or he'd come for her too.

I walked into class just before Moody was going to start. His creepy eye followed me all the way until I sat down. To my dismay, Malfoy had taken the seat Holly was going to save for me. She looked at me, apologetic and I just nodded at her that it was fine. As I sat down next to Hermione Granger right behind my sister and Malfoy. Draco's face then turned back to look at me, and he winked his eyebrows at me and I felt nauseous. There was something about his eyes. His pupils were abnormally widened, the whites were bloodshot and there was something that was off in his look. I really wondered what it was that Flint had slipped him.

I was so distracted, staring at Malfoy the entire time, that I completely missed Moody's introduction. I blurted back to reality as I heard Hermione speak.

"Three, sir." I just looked at her, confused. She whispered that he was talking about the unforgivable curses and I nodded.

"Good job girl," I bumped my elbow lightly into her side. She just shrugged it off.

Madeye started speaking worryingly fast with a hectic tone and I felt Hermioney get uncomfortable. He rambled about the curses before he told us he was going to demonstrate them.

"Wait what? That's illegal?" I whispered to Hermione. She nodded and had wrinkled up her face in a worried expression. Madeye then dragged poor terrified Ron up on his feet, making him name one of the curses. He stuttered Imperio. And I just looked at the scene that was playing out before my eyes wondering if it was all really happening. Madeye then pulled up a rather crab-looking spider from one of the glass containers on his desk, and enlarged it with a simple charm. He then performed the Imperius curse and we all watched the poor spider fly around the classroom in the control of Madeye. He let the spider jump from student to student, finally landing at Malfoy's face. Madeye gave out a wicked laugh as he let the spider linger on Malfoy's face. I couldn't help but laugh at his pathetic whines as he tried to get the spider off his face, with no help.

"Holly bloody help me!" he whined and I panicked. I didn't want my sister near that kid. Holly reached out to grab the spider pretty fearlessly and placed it in her hand. Moody then retracted the spider and proceeded with the class. I zoned out and watched as Holly laughed together with Malfoy with an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

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