Chapter twenty two - Ginger twins and firewhiskey

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"Well if it isn't miss Malfoy," Pansy spoke as she walked by me and Daphne sitting out in the yard, trying to get some sunshine on our pale faces.

"Well if it isn't the biggest bitch of slytherin," Daphne snapped as she shot a murderous glare at Pansy.

"At least I didn't pass out from getting choked when I lost my virginity." She smirked at Daphne before looking over at me like I was trash under her shoe.

"You're such a fucking tram-" Daphne got up but I quickly grabbed a hold of the back of her shirt and pulled her back down. Pansy laughed at us before flicking her hair and walking away.

"I swear, I will poison her don't you dare try and stop me," Daphne hissed.

"She's not worth it and you know it. I'm honestly more upset that Draco told people that my bruises were from us having sex.." I had made my peace with it. After all he didn't want people to know he had been doing drugs, since he could get expelled. And I had to admit that sex was a good excuse. What else could we blame it at?

"He did what?!" Daphne was now back up at her feet.

"Daphne, sit your ass down. It's no big deal, I don't care.." I tried but she had already stormed off. I quickly got up and followed her, trying to tell her to stop but she didn't even flinch.

Of course, Draco, Zabini and Theo were walking past the yard just when Daphne had decided to go on a killer spree.

"Please Daphne, this is even more embarrassing.." I tried but she had shut off.

"You lying piece of shit," she pulled out her wand and pressed it towards Malfoys neck.

His eyes shot wide open as he tried to make out words.

"You're telling everybody that you fucked my sister when in reality you tried to murder her?" I watched her wand being awfully close to piercing his skin as she pushed it deeper into his neck. Theo was grinning at the situation while Blaise looked rather intimidated.

"I- I had to!" He choked out.

"You had to? After her saving your disgusting ass over and over you had to drag her name through the dirt? You deserve nothing Malfoy," she screamed in his face as she spoke a charm I had never heard of and I watched Malfoy twirl around and transform into a white fluffy ferret. I gasped in shock of his new appearance

"Miss Greengrass!" I heard a familiar voice shout behind me. Professor McGonagall approached us, her face being red of anger.

"Uhm professor.. I-"

"Save it for detention young lady," McGonagall spoke as she flicked her wand, turning Draco back to his regular self. I saw a terrified look plastered on his face and I couldn't help but giggle. McGonagall shot me a stern look and I quickly shut my mouth. I watched Draco hurrying away from us, quickly followed by Zabini And Nott. And I grabbed my sister's hand, giving it a squeeze. Who could have known I'd be related to this crazy but badass girl. We then followed McGonagall back to her office, both feeling oddly amused considering the punishment we were facing, because I sure as hell wasn't gonna let my sister take the blame for this all by herself.


I was laying in my bed, skimming through my notes from yesterday's potions class as I heard a knock on the door. Before I could answer, a familiar ginger entered the room.

"You know very well that there's no boys allowed in the girls dormitory," I shook my head at him.

"When have I ever cared about the rules?" Fred smiled mischievously.

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