Dancing and Facing Your Fears

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It's Grom season baby! Time to get on your dancing shoes, buy overly expensive flowers your date will only wear once before tossing out without you knowing as to not your your feelings, and fight a fear demon. Let's party!



Balloons, banners, streamers, and flyers littered almost every square inch of the halls of Hexside. It was that wonderful time of year again, the big dance known as 'Grom,' where one lucky witch would be crowned queen and tasked with facing and defeating Grometheus. Should they fail, the residents of the Demon Realm will be forever haunted and plagued by their worst fears. While the thought was terrifying, it was overshadowed for many by the idea of asking their sweetheart to the dance and spending a magical night with them, although many were anxious and were afraid of asking their crushes out, fearing they would be rejected.

Amity was one such witch.

The greenette was rummaging around her locker for the books she would need for her next two classes, trying to decide on when the best time to ask Luz to the dance would be. Obviously sooner rather than later would be best, especially since you never knew who else may try asking her (despite being friends with him, Amity felt like Kevin would ask Luz to the dance to purposely spite her). Was that mean to think? Yeah probably, but c'mon...this was Kevin she was talking about! Messing with people, namely her and Boscha, was his favorite thing to do! There was no telling how far he would go to mess with her, and that honestly scared her more than anything else: the fact he had no filter or shame.

"Amity," a voice called out to her as she grabbed her final book from her locker. Pulling away and watching as the monstrous mouth closed, she turned to see Boscha approaching her. "Have you seen dumbass anywhere?"

"Kevin? No. Have you seen Luz?" Amity asked, and the pinkette shook her head. "Weird. I wonder where they could be?"

"Knowing the dumbass he's getting into trouble. And, knowing Luz, she's probably involved somehow," Boscha said. Amity went to say something and argue, wanting to say that Luz would never do such a thing, but she stopped herself, reminding herself that yes, Luz would 100% do something stupid if Kevin was involved. "Why are you looking for her anyway? Gonna ask her to Grom?"

"Trying to work up the courage to, yes," Amity nodded, eyes drifting downwards to Boscha's hand that were stuffed into the pockets of her Grudgby jacket. She smiled upon seeing a letter Boscha was clearly trying to hide. "Is that why you're looking for Kevin?" Amity asked with a teasing smile, causing the pinkette to blush.

"It's none of your business," she grunted, causing Amity to laugh.

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud and sudden boom that rocked the entire school to its very core, startling and frightening most of the students. A cloud of smoke started emitting from down one of the hallways, and the two turned to watch as Kevin and Luz rounded and dashed down the hall towards them.

"The fuck did you two do ?" Boscha asked, saying exactly what was on Amity's mind.

"We'll tell you after we find a hiding spot," Kevin said as he looked around for a place to hide. His eyes fell on the monster lockers and he approached one before jamming his finger into its giant singular eye, causing the locker to open its mouth and roar in pain. "In ya go!" Kevin said as he picked up Luz and placed her inside. He approached the locker to the immediate right and did the same thing, the new locker roaring in pain and opening its mouth wide enough for Kevin to slip inside. "We were never here," he said before forcing the mouth closed.

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