Learn you a little something

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Ayy the zine is here! Go check it out for the awesome art and writing! (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1q8EoW-YO7YuIDOH-AfY4f07MFiTuwjBs )

This is my L4D1 centered piece and I'm soo happy to be able to post it now! The zine version of this has an illustration so highly recommend you check out the whole zine!

Ship: Zouis (Zoey x Louis)



Zoey clutched her stomach. This was the longest she'd ever gone without eating, she'd never felt so empty. Someone woke up, the quiet 'click' of dress shoes told her it was Louis.

He sat beside her, "Hey... How are you holding up?"

Zoey looked at him. Louis noticed the tears in her eyes and cuddled her, tisking. She snuggled into his warm embrace, taking in the stale comfort that they were at least alive. Louis rested his chin on her head, smoothing his hands up and down her arm.

He felt wetness seep through his shirt, "We're gonna be okay, Zoey, I promise. You know what? I bet the next saferoom is gonna be a Chuck E Cheese."

Zoey sniffled, laughing, "Even with our luck?"

"Hell yeah. The storm has to hit before the rainbow comes, right?"

Zoey smiled, resting her head on his chest, "Yeah, I'm just scared."

Louis pressed his cheek to her scalp, "Hard not to be, but we've got each other."

Zoey woke to warmth and Francis' voice.

"-sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, second comes-"

Bill huffed, "You mind shutting the fuck up long enough for me to figure out where we're going?"

Zoey laughed and sat up, looking at Louis, "You let me sleep on you?"

He shrugged. Francis made kissing noises but yelped when her sneaker hit his face.

Bill took a drag of his cig, "We gotta go through woods to get to the city, the saferoom is there."

Zoey snorted, "Lovely, no supplies, tons of bugs..."

"Well," Louis interjected, "there won't be as many zombies."

Francis threw Zoey's sneaker at her, missing, "I hate to agree, but he's right. No vampires means less shooting."

Zoey pulled her shoe on, "Less?"

Francis grinned, "Yeah, gotta shoot each other some."

Bill unlocked the door, "Alright, I better not hear any complaining."


Louis watched Bill, irritated, "What the hell are you doing?"

Bill stood with a grunt, knees cracking, "Foraging!"

Zoey laid a hand on her hip, "We're in buttfuck, nowhere. You eat anything and you'll get killed."

Bill grew a look of disappointment that outmatched all she'd seen, "Kids these days..." He pinched his nose, "... I gotta teach you everything, don't I? Follow me."

He pushed aside a bush and left the trail. The others looked at each other before following.

Bill was back on the ground, "Now THIS is what I'm talking about!" He presented a handful of mushrooms, "Perfect food!"

"No offense," Zoey said, "but I don't want to eat mystery plants from the middle of nowhere."

Francis grinned like a shithead, "You're scared of mushrooms, but okay with roaches in-"

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