Chapter 3

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Asher's p.o.v

(After he met Eva )

"Eva,Eva "I say to myself 'Oh shit I didn't get her last name.' I thought smart girl so if I searched Eva I wouldn't find her cause I don't know her last name 'why don't you take her license plate number' my self conscious says after I took the number I drove to on of my wearhouses and gave the number to one of the best hackers "Chace cane you look up to who this license plate number belongs to asap." I say "sure thing boss."
~~~~~a few moments later~~~~~

"Boss the car you wanted me to look up belongs to a Noah Hays the former leader of the Vipper Rose gang but says was left to his fiance that's unown to the public or anyone for that matter exept to the members of Vipper Rose." He says as he hands me a page

" He says as he hands me a page

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"Why can't I see anything on this page" I asked "because I tried to hack there accounts to see what his last girlfriend looked like and all I came up was with the name Eva Everlasting and as soon as I got a photo of her I got notes with each picture I tried to open so far the only one that gives us a clear view of her is this one "he says handing me another picture

"Why can't I see anything on this page" I asked "because I tried to hack there accounts to see what his last girlfriend looked like and all I came up was with the name Eva Everlasting and as soon as I got a photo of her I got notes with each pictu...

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"Okay thank you ,you may leave "I say as he walks out of my office I didn't know Noah had such great taste in girls too bad he died as I study the picture I put all the pieces together 'so it looks like we found the new leader of the Vipper Rose ,Eve Everlasting aylias Satan.' it looks like my cupcake isn't that innocent and I can't believe they can't get any other information on her looks like Noah covered his tracks well by hidding her and covering her tracks to bad I already figured it out now I really regret war against my cupcake...

~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~

On my way to pick up my sister as I pull up to the parking lot I noticed that were Eva there won't any cars so I parked and than I noticed my sister and Jace walking towards the care and I see a pissed of Athena .
"Why do you lookso pissed off ?" I asked
"Cause Jace over here though it would be a good idea to talk about my new friend murdering her boyfriend Wich is complete lie of course cause before I approached her I saw her crying in her loft looking at a picture of them..."she says but Jace cuts her off
"How was I supposed to know it was just a rumour but she is classified as a nerd turned badgirl cause she hangs out with the schools badboys and first period she chased a guy out of his seat cause she wanted to sit there and than she kicked my ass in a hand to hand combat. And than I met her sister that carries about 3 knifes.but than all of them suddenly goes missing for the rest of the day after lunch"he says all upset
"Wait what's your little friends name?" I asked our of curiosity
"Oh her name is Eva Everlasting she's kinda cool and great at hidding her emotions and her friends are so welcoming and she also has a cold aroua around her liked she doesn't like she knows how it feels to be used and hurt she also broke a girls nose without any effort and walked away like nothing happened .it was so cool and I'm glad she kicked your ass someone has to put you in your place."she says giggling and couldn't help but laugh at that "what have you been doing all day? "Jace asked
"So I've found out your friend Eva is actually the leader of the rivel gang Vipper Rose,Noah Hays' fiance and is the the 2nd most powerful person in the world but most powerful in America along side her two second in commands and two 3rd in commands...I say but they cut me off "wait hold up she has two seconds and 3rd in commands but you only have one second and one 3rd "Athena says "Well year she's also known to be ruthless ,as Satan, Slayer,The beast and La Reina and anyone who as ever declared war against her and her gang never lives to tell the tale."I say as there mouths hung open and we pull up to my house..

"I say as there mouths hung open and we pull up to my house

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Eva's p.o.v

As we pull up to the race track the aren't a lot of people yet so we decided to take a test drive so as we drove up to the starting line a girl Walk up and start screaming"Are you ready cause I know I am so started your engens and goo!!!" And that's when I spend off now as we're driving I see angel catching up to me and I see I'm near the finish line so I stepped on in and you can guess what happened next I won of course wit angel in second and the rest I don't know. So after that we did a few more races but at the end of the day made 2.5million dollars .
After we ware done it was almost 7o'clock and than u did an outfit change and singed up for a few fights one on one and a few team fights

After we ware done it was almost 7o'clock and than u did an outfit change and singed up for a few fights one on one and a few team fights

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