Character Names and Pronunciation

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WOLFEN / LUPUS HIBRIS VALORI ~ wool-fen / loo-puhs hai-bris vuh-lor-ai

SELENE LEE VALORI ~ seh-leen lee vuh-lor-ai

BRIAR NOX ~ brai-Arr noxx


TAMARA HILT ~tuh-marr-uh hilt

BARTHOLOMEW ANGER ~ barr-tho-low-mew ein-grr

VICTORIA KNIGHT ~ vik-tor-ee-uh nait

ARDENT KNIGHT ~ aar-dnt nait

KATHRINA VALORI ~ cath-ree-na vuh-lor-ai

VATICAN VALORI ~ vat-ik-an vuh-lor-ai

AIDEN LOKE ~ ae~den lok

AUDREY LOKE ~ ah~dree lok

LOGAN HATFIELD ~ low-gn hat-feeld

MAVIS HATFIELD ~ mei-vuhs hat-feeld

WILLEM OUST ~ Wil-em awst


PINE ~ pai-n

AZAR ~ Ah-zarr

ARUM ~ Arr-umm

SHELA ~ Shee-lah

RIOUS ~Ree-uhs

Hello readers!

I just want to say I am so excited for this sequel. It's a doozy.

To think I actually wasn't going to have this book turn into a sequel at first is beyond me. There's so much left in store!

So without further ado.

I present:



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