2| Introducing Him

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"Now look at us."


"No." Selene hissed and her wings shot out and flapped in anger.

Briar took a step back and the agent just looked on without a single flinch.

"Selene, if I may—" Briar began.

"You may not." She quipped and fixed her eyes on the man in black. "I'm not divorced. I had a baby. The needs were met." She snarled and her heart was pounding in her ears because she knew, she knew that truly they weren't met. She'd lost her child.

And her husband... Lupus...

"You did not birth a child." The authority agent said bluntly and Selene's heart clenched.

"Hey man, that's uncalled for—You know why she's leaving the hospital. The hell's wrong with you?" Briar growled to the man next to him while shoving his shoulder.

"It's true." The agent scoffed and Selene's blood began to boil. He looked at Briar with an unimpressed gleam in his eyes. "What? You're gonna fight me or something?"

"Fuck off. You've done what you needed to. Leave." Briar huffed turning away from the man.

The man just glanced to Selene before handing Briar two pieces of paper.

"Apologize." Selene gritted out and the agent paused, throwing a glance over his shoulder.

"For?" He asked in a bemused voice and Selene's wings trembled.

"You know." She whispered hoarsely, her throat feeling as if it were being constricted.

"What I said was the truth. It's not my fault if it hurts you."

"You son of a bitch." Selene snapped and lunged at the agent who quickly put up a force field. She slammed against it and scowled at the man in wild disdain.

"I'm a federal agent. Attacking me is illegal you know." The man said and Selene's lip curled in anger.




The woman's hand clenched into a fist and she reared her arm back only to crash is against the barrier with all her might. The force field shattered and the agent's eyes lit with disbelief as the woman charged at him. His eyes closed waiting for the impact of her swing, but nothing came.

Because Briar Nox had wrapped his arms around Selene's body and was holding the thrashing woman like a cowboy would a rodeo bull.

"Leave!" Briar yelled and quick as a flash the agent was disappearing into the distance.

"Let me go." Selene hissed.

"Not until you've calmed down."

Briar held the woman trembling with anger for a while, and when her trembling stopped and her wings disappeared, only then did he release her from his hold.

Selene stepped away from him and stretched, feeling weird that a guy she barley knew had basically been hugging her for a good ten minutes.

"You pack one hell of a punch." Briar finally said and Selene glared at him.

"What's that he gave you?" She gestured to the papers and the man sighed.

"Divorce finalization papers and a marriage certificate."

"What?" Selene quipped and snatched the papers. Her blood chilled at the one announcing she was divorced from Lupus and her stomach turned at the other that said she was now bound in matrimony to Briar.

"Bullshit." She breathed and threw the papers back to Briar. "I'm still Selene Valori. I'm staying Selene Valori." The man shrugged before folding the papers and shoving them into his pocket.

"Are you hungry?" Briar asked suddenly.

Selene eyed him in suspicion.

"I know a place. Honestly I'm pretty hungry myself." He said and gestured to her car.

"My car's at my workplace right now." He said suddenly looking sheepish. "Are you fine with letting me drive yours? If not I can just sit in the passenger's and give you directions."

Selene's stomach growled. She was abruptly aware of how drained and exhausted she felt, but she straightened her shoulders and stood tall. She wouldn't show weakness. Not again.

"It's fine if you drive." She said coolly.

New chapters coming soon!

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