Ch 14: The Death of An Alpha

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Horror's POV:

I was just sitting on the stone cold floor with nothing to do but play with a dead rats body. I waited for several minutes until two werewolves walked into the cave. One had a blue scarf and the other was wearing yellow clothing almost looking like a guardian. They stood infront of me and stared. I didn't bother to look at them but one of them grabbed me by the hood of my jacket and started dragging me. I didn't move or anything, I just let them drag me. They brought me outside in the open and threw me to the ground. I sat up and looked at the circle of more werewolves surrounding me. The two that brought me outside had their weapons up.

"Your death will bring a great future to the werewolf kind as we take over the forest and vampires will fear us!" The werewolf with the blue scarf said with its weapon up.

I growled at them and they stepped back. I saw small amounts of fear in their eyes and smiled at that. They came back closer to me holding their weapons and ready to attack. They circled me as other members chanted "Kill! Kill! Kill!" They growled.

"Any last words Vampire?" The yellow one asked.

I sat silently.


I saw Sans break through the crowd crying and screaming my name he ran toward me as the werewolves shot their weapons at me I smiled and closed my eyes but felt no pain. There was a long pause of silence. I opened my eyes to see a terrible sight. Sans was on the ground bleeding out. There was a loud gasp from the crowd. I picked up Sans and shook him. Tears started streaming down my face.

" BASTARDS!!" I yelled.

"A-Alpha.." One of the werewolves who shot him said.


"WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?!" The other werewolf who shot him asked.


I stayed quiet.

"Alpha is that vampires soulmate."

My Soulmate Is My Enemy||AlphaWerewolf!Classic x Vampier!PrinceHorrorWhere stories live. Discover now