"Of course we did, you're just as much one of us as Raina now." Responded Hwasa as she led Mika to sit between herself and Zack.

"Well, now that we've gotten rid of the skank, let's have some fun!" Jin called out with an evil glint in his eyes. "How about a game of truth, dare, or punishment?"

"What the hell is that? I've heard of truth or dare, but why add punishment to it?" Zack asked, taking the question out of everybody's mouths.

"That way if anyone is too afraid to do a truth or dare, they can just accept a punishment drawn from a hat. Everyone will write down the last thing you would ever want to do for a punishment and fold it in half. Then if you don't want to do a truth or dare, you have to draw a punishment." Jin explained.

It actually sounded like an interesting twist to the usual game.

"I'm in!" Raina called, kicking off a round of ascent from everyone in the room.

Namjoon grabbed some pens and tore some paper into strips while Hobi grabbed one of his bucket hats to put them in.

Everyone else refilled their drinks, wrote and tossed their punishments into the hat, then found places to sit around the room in a girl-boy-girl pattern.

Since it was his idea, Jin spun the bottle first, with it landing on Hobi, who wasted no time choosing dare.

"I dare you to....... Make out with Wheein for 2 minutes without popping a boner." Jin called out, chuckling, "unless you want to chicken out."

Before Hobi could respond, his girlfriend grabbed his face and brought him closer to her.

"You got this babe. Just think of something gross, like making out with your grandma or something." She whispered before attacking his mouth with her own.

But 30 seconds in, she moaned into the kiss and his manhood sprung to attention faster than he could whimper an "oh shit".

"Damn Hobi, that didn't last long!" Hwasa called out expressing everyone's thoughts and earning a groan of defeat from the man in question and a look of embarrassed pride from Wheein.

She was embarrassed for Hobi's quick loss, but proud that she affected him that much.

"As punishment for failed tasks, take a shot of tequila straight. No lime, salt, or anything." Jin dictated.

Hobi groaned, but downed his shot with a cough and reached to spin the bottle.

The game progressed with everyone failing more than they succeeded from the difficulty of the dares or questions, so they were all fairly drunk when Jin spun and the bottle landed on Raina.

"Fuck it! Give me a dare!" She called in her drunken state.

Jin thought for a moment before a truly evil smile graced his gorgeous mouth.

"I dare you to draw out a punishment to complete AND you have to spend 10 minutes in the bathroom doing, whatever you can manage in 10 minutes, with the person who wrote it."

"No problem, pass the hat." She called with more confidence than she felt.

She reached in and grabbed a particularly small and tightly folded piece of paper and handed it to Jin.

"Your punishment is,,,,, drum roll please." everyone began drumming on the floor until he finished unfolding the paper and his eyes flew wide.

"Well, um, the punishment is that you have to wake up Yoongi for class every day for a month."

"Damn, that's just mean. Who would write something like that?" Namjoon commented.

"Why? What's so bad about that?" She asked cluelessly.

Dream A Little Dream (21+)Where stories live. Discover now