Chapter 11: Torture & Betrayal

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Don't read if you don't want to be dark. I may delete this part later. Beware. This part have a few swearings and dark torturous parts. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Sabrina and Janice groaned in pain.

"Flip off Ly," Sabrina spat in annoyance. Lyra smirked.

"Or what? This is pretty stupid, you guys are so easily manipulated. Your face is hilarious you know," Lyra laughed easily.

"F-fook off bi-bish," Janice coughed out her blood.

"You swear? This is amazing. I bet the others are gonna look for you. Now tell me. Who are the Chosen Ones?" Lyra flashed her middle finger at them. Sabrina choked as Lyra tightened her grip on her neck.

"You should've listened to Scarlett," she laughed evilly. Oh really? Janice thought frustratedly. 

"She never says anything to us," Janice rasped tiredly. Lyra laughed grabbing a whip swished it onto Sabrina's beaten skin. A snap echoed around the bloody cells around them. Sabrina let out a raspy scream of pain.


"Well you can," Janice sighed as blood trickled down her throat. Lyra grabbed her knife slicing it across Janice's skin. More blood pooled beneath her hand.

"OH REALLY?! THEN YOU WON'T BE MUCH USE. I WILL DO WHATEVER I CAN TO GET WHO IS THE CHOSEN ONES OUT OF YOUR STUPID, SH^^^^ MOUTH!" Lyra roared. Whipping the whip across the tied bodies again.

"We don't know. I p-pr-promise," Sabrina spluttered when the whip landed across her throat again.

"STOP LYING B^^^^^^! YOU SUCKERS!" Lyra screamed until her throat was sore. But it was not the end.

"I WILL FIND OUT EVEN WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!! I HOPE!" Lyra threw the whip which whacked their foreheads. She turned to get a gun. Before cackling. 

"Ooh. Isn't this good? I AM SO EXCITED!" she screeched maniacally. She tilted the gun at Janice's legs.

"Who do you think is the Chosen Ones?" Lyra demanded. Her fingers laid preparedly on the trigger.

"Who do you work for? I don't know-" BANG! The bullet pierced through Janice's skin as she screamed loudly. 

"JUST END ME NOW!" she yelled blood, sweat and tears trickled down her face as she scrunched up her eyes. Sabrina sobbed quietly as she watched her first friend getting tortured. BANG! Lyra grinned wickedly when she shot her other leg.

"I want you to die slowly. Filled with the pain. NOW ANSWER!" she cried impatiently. 

"I don't-" BOOM! BOOM! The bullets pierced into both of Janice's arms. 

"TRUST ME! WE DON'T KNOW YET!" Janice sobbed feeling extremely ugly. BANG! The bullet entered her throat as she choked on her blood. BOOM! Finally, the last bullet entered her heart as she slumped slowly dying. Sabrina closed her eyes wishing for her mother to come. 

"You betrayed us," she whimpered quietly as Lyra grinned madly. She tossed her toys on the floor and walked out proudly.

"Hope you have a good nightmare next to her dead body b^^^^," 


Oof! This part is so dark. I hate it. I guess I wrote like that cos I was listening to this music which has something to do with dead body. Sorry. I may delete this part later when I feel like I should. Janice is dead.. I feel sick now.

555 words.

Uncovering The Legendary Secrets (Prophecy Of The Chosen Ones Series) 1Where stories live. Discover now