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Everything in the waiting room was white. White walls, white chairs, a white floor. One plant, a dying plant, crammed in the corner in an orange pot was the only thing that livened up the room. Louis glances at Jeremy, vision blurry from crying. He watches the man push his hands through his tight, black curls and gnaw on his lip.

"Did the doctor say how long the surgery would be?" Louis questions through the silence, his voice coming out as a rasped whisper.

Jeremy just shakes his head.

After a couple of hours of crying and pacing the room, the surgeon walks out, body clad in scrubs with a white surgeon coat thrown over the top. His grey hair is thinning and eyes drooping with wrinkles.

Louis rushes over to him and searches his face for any indication of what his next words will be.

"Austin had a brain bleed and swelling of the brain," he starts and motions for Louis to sit down next to Jeremy. "We wanted to release some pressure on it and work our way into halting the bleed. He had a stroke during the process," Louis' eyes flutter shut and he shakes his head. "I am very sorry, but the surgery was unsuccessful."

A shrill scream leaves Louis' lips and he collapses off the chair, falling to the floor. Seconds after Jeremy's arms are wrapped around him, he is crying as well, the intensity of his sobs wracking Louis' body even more so.

A/N: double update! So make sure to read chapter 3 if you haven't already. Chapter 2 & 3 are coming up as drafts even though I have published them, so please let me know if you can't see them.

So Austin died...

- What do you think will happen next?

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Please leave me some comments, I am not getting many yet and it is a bit disheartening. :(

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