|| 1 ~ Abeke ||

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The pic is Ailee. 

{She has blue eyes, but this is basically what she looks like.}

||~_____Just Before Uraza_____~||

ABEKE WALKED THROUGH THE LINE OF HER TRIBESPEOPLE. The men closest to Chinwe, the resident green cloak, held spears, because of an incident with a girl a few years back. 

Now, those men would spear anyone but the kid undertaking the ceremony. Currently, that was Abeke. 

She took a sip of the colorless nectar, and was instantly filled with a buzzing sensation. 

||~_______After Uraza________~||

Abeke was standing in front of their home, looking at a strange man, dressed in Euran clothing -with a hood obscuring his face. 

"Who are you?" Her father questioned the man. 

"I am Zerif," he introduced. "I have traveled her from far away, and your daughter has accomplished the impossible..."

||~________After Zerif________~||

Zerif had mounted a dusty brown horse, and brought another for Abeke. Together, they were riding into the prairie, Uraza loping beside her horse. 

Abeke had no idea what they were doing and soon, her curiosity got the better of her. "What are we doing?" 

Zerif looked back at her briefly, before pointing to a herd of horses out to their left. "You remember how I explained there were Five Fallen?"

Abeke nodded, recalling the stories of the Leopard, Wolf, Stallion, Falcon, and Panda. 

"You also remember the girl that stole the nectar from your village two years ago?" She nodded again, confused on how this all related together. 

"Well, we have reason to believe that she summoned a great beast, Jayi the Stallion, to be exact." Zerif explained. 

Abeke was shocked silent for a moment, and was about to ask something else Zerif halted his mount, dismounting. She followed, and glanced at Uraza, before following the man into the grass.

"Look. Jayi was a Red stallion, with a white star on his head." Zerif looked through the herd, and Abeke followed, with Uraza by her side. 

It was a medium-sized herd, all sturdy horses, with colors ranging from brown to black. Abeke's gaze drifted to a tree, where a tall, absolutely gorgeous stallion stood. He was bright red, tall, and had a long, silky, mane and tail. 

A girl, 11, was under the tree, she had bright blonde hair, honey-colored at the roots, before turning lighter at the tips. She was wearing a deerskin shirt, with matching leggings, and was clearly asleep. 

Her back was leaning against the tree, and the stallion was standing beside her, looking very relaxed, with a hind leg cocked and a low-hanging head. 

I nudged Zerif, and pointed to the girl and stallion. Zerif's eyes widened. "That's definitely Jayi." He remarked, then proceeded to walk forwards, towards the duo. 

Me and Uraza followed, when we got within a few yards of them, Uraza bounded forward. "Uraza! No!" I whisper-shouted, but the leopard ignored me. 

Jayi turned his head, showing a brilliant white star on his forehead, then jumped a little when he saw a leopard speeding towards him.

Uraza stopped in front of him, and they touched noses, like they were greeting. Jayi nickered softly, and raised his elegant head, honey-brown gaze flicking between Abeke and Zerif. 

Now, Abeke and Zerif were standing beside Uraza, and Zerif was eye-level with the stallion. Jayi turned, and nudged the girl asleep by the tree. 

"No, Jayi," She mumbled, pushing away his nose. "We can go race the cheetah's later." Jayi snorted, doing the horse version of an eye roll. 

The stallion lifted a hoof, and gently set it on her lap. The blonde huffed, and her eyes opened, and it was almost shocking, because they were bright blue. 

She pushed Jayi's hoof off of her and just then seemed to notice the leopard, Abeke, and then Zerif. Her blue gaze traveled over them individually, before she stood up. 

"Okay. Stalkers. Great." She said, placing a hand on Jayi's neck. She took a deep breath. "Who are you?" 

Zerif told her the same thing that he had told Abeke, slightly altered due to the fact that this girl had no tribe. 

The blonde moved to Jayi's side, and leaned against his shoulder, closing her eyes for a moment. "Alright. We'll go with you, I'm Ailee, and you clearly know Jayi." 

Zerif nodded. "Excellent. This is Abeke, and Uraza."

Ailee smiled at Abeke, and offered a nod of respect to Uraza. Jayi kneeled, and she mounted the stallion, following the others to their horses. 


I do not own the Spirit Animals Series. 


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