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> Abbie's POV <

I froze and for a few seconds, I think I stopped breathing. Out of nowhere, Jai grabbed me around my waist and pulled me into strong, passionate kiss. Our lips fitted just right together, but this time when he kissed me, it didn't feel right at all to me. I felt no fireworks, no sparks. It was almost as if the kiss meant absolutley nothing. Jai is perfection. He's such a good boyfriend to me! I mean, I've been having so many doubts about him.

He slowly pulled away, and as I opened my eyes I saw him looking at me up and down from head to toe. His heart-melting brown eyes were piercing into me. What does he even see in me? Boring old me!? I beamed at him. He's just one of those people, when you look at them you can't help but grin. He's such a beautiful person. We both smiled into another kiss. Once again, no tingles and no butterflies. Once again, me being the soppy cry-baby I am I burst into floods of tears.

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