Chapter 3: Genisis

Começar do início

I start thinking back to mom, while playing with the small cross still on my neck. All here memories, all her happiness and pain, everything was brought back for a few milliseconds.

".N.....y/N.....Y/N". I jerked my head around, having lost track of what I was doing. I had accidentaly walked past the barracks and I turned around slowley to look back at Marcel, standing there at the door, looking over at me.
"You alright? You zoned out there for a few" he said.
"Yea, all good, just lost in thought" I replied with a small smile, turning around and walking into the barracks with Marcel. We dropped of our bags in the equipment room and made our way back to the primary bunk area. Zeke sat on his bed, reading a book, with Porca laying above him in the top bunk, hands behind his head and eyes closed. Pieck and Annie shared a bunk on the opposite side of the room, pieck laying on her side on the bottom bunk, and Annie leaning against the banister of the top bunk, her eyes also closed. Finally, Reiner and Bertholdt both sat on Bertholdt's bottom bunk, laughing and talking about god knows what. Always up to something those two. I smiled briefly, before turning, placing my hands in my pockets and making my way to the door.
"Goodnight everyone" I called without looking back, throwing my hand in the air lazily to wave.
"Goodnight" I heard them all answer back before I closed the door.
As I made my way across the dark training field in the direction of my small toom, I caught a particular smell of something. Fresh bread. I looked over at the soilders bunk house, warm lights spilling out the windows and smoke dancing in the air above the chimney. My stomach rumbled. Taking food and beer was not that hard when it came to weekend nights such as this. They were all to drunk to care really. I stole a glance around, making sure Maggot was not lurking about and crept over to the large poarch. They usually drank and ate in the living toom, and normally left unopen bottles and baskets of food near the window where the big table was often shoved to make way for fighting and dancing. I ducked my head down and slowley crept over to the window, staying out of sight and avoiding all the creaky boards. I have done this on multiple occasions, so it was never really that hard. I reached the window, before removing my small wrist watch and using its reflection to see into the room. As expected, the table was pushed up against the window and there were multiple bottles of drink and baskets of fresh bread, meats, sasauges and other delicasies scattered across the surface.
I slowley lifted my head up to look in and saw to drunks sparring in the center of the room, a massive crowd cheering in a big circle around them. Well, I say sparring, more like their bodys were throwing their limp arms around in hope of it comming into contact with their opponent. Looked like two scarecrows being spun around with their arms flying loosely through the air. I quickly grabbed a basket full off the top of the table, and then a second for Marcel. I got back down on my hunkers and was about to start making a hasty retreat before I heard somwthing that shocked me slightly.

"What did he say he was going to do with the War Hammer? I heard a spluttering stammer come from within the room.

"Tyber wantz the boy eaten" I heard a second voice spit out over a drunken lisp. I took a sharp breath in. That was Magath. And by Tyber, did he mean Uncle Willy?

"But why. Sure he is a filthy Eldian, but he has a few more years left I think" the first voice said again.

"Apparently, Tyber has found a more suitable candidate" I heard the reply come from Magath. "Someone easier to control" he continued with a slurred laugh.

This sent a chill down my spine as I crouched there frozen, the thought of good food gone completely from my head. "Easier to control?? What does that mean?? Who will I be fed to??"
I start to shake, the baskets nearly dropping from my hands.

"Hey, who took my food?" I heard a slurred voice call from directly behind me. This made me jump and I quickly crawled as fast as I could away from the window and on to the poarch. I then sprinted as hard as I could to my barrack, both baskets jumping and swinging. I stopped at my door, panting heavily. The lights were still out, which meant Marcel was not here yet. I slowley pushed it open and closed it quickly once more, leaning my back against it and sliding down slowley, leaving the baskets on the ground next to me, both still giving off steam, bothe still full of delicious food, but they had left my mind all together at this point. I was stunned. I didnt know what to think right now. Why? Why? What had I done? It was Uncle Willy that fed my mother to me, and now he changes his mind? I grind my teath.

"I....i..." I choked on my words for a second, before falling silent.
"I wont allow it" i said in a harsher and quieter tone." I will not accept ANY of this" I hissed slightly. I sat there for a few moments in silence, head down and eyes closed, before I heard a knock on the door. Marcel. I quickly get up, grab the baskets and place one on his bed, before grabbing my guitar and up to my own bunk.
"Yea, come in" I called, pretending to tune the strings.
"Sorry im late back, got talking to Porco and Reiner" he smiled, comming in before closing the door behind him. He saw the basket sitting on his bunk and his face lit up, before he tried a serious expression and looked up at me tucking into my bread, the guitar on my lap.
"I thought we agreed you would stop raiding the soilders food. They will shoot you without hesitation if they find you" he said.
You shrug and continue munching on the sweet butterd roll while tuning. Marcel sighs, but you can see him try to hid a grin as he makes his way over to his bunk.
After a few moments of silence, you hear from below you.
"Can you play that one song. You know, the first one you showed me?" Marcel said, poking his head up at you from below. You smile and set your now empty basket aside.
"Sure man" you laugh as you place the guitar on your lap. And begin to play. And sing.

The War Hammer ( AOT x Male Reader story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora