Chapter 20- Why Not

Start from the beginning

"I know Autumn, but all I'm asking is for you to talk to him!"

"I don't think I'm ready to."

"Take your time Autumn, but give him a chance to explain." I nodded my head reluctantly. 

We watched a movie for a couple of hours but there was definitely some tension. "You know I did talk to her." Jennifer said after the movie finished.

"You and Sam talked?"

"She actually talked to me first, which was strange. But she apologized, and we actually talked normally."

"So what happened?" I asked excitedly.

"Don't get ahead of yourself there still some things that need to be fixed, but for the most part we're good."

"YAY!" I gave Jen a big hug. "THANK YOU!"

"No problem!" She laughed. I walked Jen to the door. "Please think about what I told you."

"I will." 

The next day I decided to go to the library. I needed to pick up some books for history and work on my sketch in some peace and quiet. I threw on a pair of jeans, a red sweater, and a grey beanie. I held my sketch pad close to my body to protect me from the harsh wind. 

"Fancy seeing you here." I was almost about to walk into the library, but Zayn blocked me before I could enter. Of course he would be here.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, but then I thought about what Jen told me so I decided to talk a bit.

"You weren't in class yesterday,"

"I was sick."

"Hope you're feeling better." He said with a small smile.

"Thanks." I tried to move past him but he stepped in front of me.

"Please can we talk?" I tried to walk past, but my things fumbled out of my hands and onto the floor.

"Great." I kneeled down and began to put my things in my bag.

"Let me help." His hands grazed against mine while picking up my pencils, my heart raced. I looked over to him and saw he put a book down. 

"The Great Gatsby?"

"Huh?" He looked over to see what I was looking at. "Oh yeah I'm reading it."

"For English or something?"

"No...Because I want to."

"You read for fun?" I smirked.

"What you think I don't read or something?" He said hurtfully.

"No that's not what I'm trying to say,"

"Don't worry about it I'm just playing with ya." He smirked. "Have you read it before?"

"No, but I heard their making it into a movie."

"Here," He handed to me. "You should read it it's good."

"No I can't you're reading it." I insisted. 

"No please this is like my fifth time reading it. Besides the book is always better than the movie." I took it from him.


"No problem." He smiled we stared into each others eyes. I broke away from his gaze and got up.

"Well I got to go and do some work." I took my bag and sketchbook and moved past him. 

"Autumn please,"

"Thanks for the book again I'll give it back to you soon." Before I opened the door he grabbed my hand.

Go With It (A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now