The School

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Ari's POV~

We only walked about 5 minutes and I start to see the silhouette of a school. 

"There it is!" Ned gets excited

"There it is!" Val exclaims copying Ned

Ned laughs.

"I bet I can beat you to that lamp post Val" Ned says crouched down to her level

"No you can't!" Val says as she starts to run

"Hey!" Ned says laughing purposely letting Val win.

I must looked a little worried because Peter pats me on the back.

"Don't worry Ned won't let anything happen to Val" smiling at me

I liked his hand on my back even though it was only for a split second.

"Sorry, I am very protective of Val...if you couldn't tell"

"It's no problem you just want her to be safe I don't blame you"


We walk in silence but Peter breaks it.

"So where did you move from?"

"Oh um Arizona"

"Oh!...why did you move? Did you dad get a new job"

I didn't know what to say because if I told him the real answer it would bring down the whole mood. Also, I just met him so I didn't know what to do. But my mouth had another idea.

"No, my Mom got a new job"

Technically that's not a huge lie because she did but we didn't move because of that. But what do you do when someone asks why you move and you moved because your dad was toxic and abusive.


There it was again the awkward silence. I decided to break it this time.

" you have any siblings?"

"No I am an only child...except Ned is like my brother"

"So you are kinda spoiled?"

ARI! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?! Not all only-children are spoiled. Oh my gosh you are so stupid!!

"Hahaha no I live with my Aunt and we live in a small apartment"


"Its ok you don't have to apologize for everything" Peter places his hand on my back again.

"Sorry- I mean! Ok" Peter laughs again

"Come on lets go catch up to Ned and Val"

He grabs my hand and starts to run across the big football field. We catch up to Ned and Val laying on the grass with their hands behind there heads.

"Finally we thought you would never catch up" Ned sighs

"Finawy" Val repeats

Peter and I both laugh.

Peter's POV~

Val is adorable with Ned they laugh and she copies everything he does.

"So this is the football field where we play football and the cheerleaders do..what they do" I say as I help Ned stand up


"Do you cheer Ari?" Ned asks brushing off the grass

"No I don't really like that stuff...I love to play basketball though!"

"I think they have a basketball team here"

"Really! I have only played with some of my friends back home"

"Come on they might have the doors to the school open!" Ned says picking Val up and putting her on his back. Val laughs and laughs as Ned runs to the doors and opens them. Lucky us they were open. We walked inside and it was so nice and the temperature was really cool and nice. 

"Woah! This is so much bigger than my old school" Ari had and expression on her face that just showed how breathtaken she was. We showed her around and she seemed to know where everything was. It was about 4:00 when I got a call from an hidden ID. I was almost positive it was Happy. I looked at Ned telling him it was spiderman things. Ned nods his head.

Ari's POV~

Peter looked at Ned with a weird face and Ned just nodded. 

"Sorry Peter and I need to get home I can take you home if you need"

"Ya...that would be great"

Peter runs out of the school and Ned walks Val and I home.

"Bye Ari! Bye Val!"

Val hugs Ned "Bye Ned!"

"Oh Ari let me give you Peter and my numbers so if you have any questions about school or Queens you can text us"

"Oh ya that would be great thank you"

Ned takes his phone out and we give each other our numbers.

"K see ya Ned! Come on Val"

I walk inside and Val and I go upstairs to play with her toys.

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