The House

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I am sitting with Valentina on my lap as she plays with her teddy. The train starts to slow down and my Mother takes Valentina and holds her about to cry tears of joy knowing Val is going to have a wonderful life. I smile at my Mother "I am so proud and thankful of you Mama, for everything you do" She wipes away the tears and smiles back at me. I grab all of our stuff and I feel the train stop fully. Valentina almost runs as fast as she can out of the door but my mama grabs her. We get out and feel the warm sun resting on our shoulders. Mama leads us to a street and waves her hand trying to get a taxi. One starts to slow down and we throw our stuff in the back and we start to drive to our new home.

The ride was very peaceful and the driver was very friendly to Mama as she tells him old stories she has of her mama. He laughs at her jokes and is very sweet to her. The car starts to slow down and Valentina's face drops as she looks out the window. "OH MY GOODNESS" I can't stop myself and I laugh. We open the door of the Taxi and Val runs to the back grabs her little backpack with her clothes. It is bigger than half her body and she wobbles up to the house. I use the keys Mama gave to me and open the door.

We walk in and all I smell is new paint and everything smells so clean. We don't have any furniture except a table and a couch left by the previous owner. I look to the left and the kitchen is so big compared to the other one. It has a small bar and 2 ovens! To the right we see the living room with a huge window facing the driveway. Right in front are two hallways separated by the staircase going upstairs. One hallway had a bathroom and a closet. The other had another bathroom and Mama's room. We went up the stairs and right as you go up you see the door to Val's room. If you went left you would see the door to my bathroom that leads into my bedroom. I was in love. So was Valentina it seemed. She ran around laughing and smiling and yelling. 

We went downstairs grabbed the money we had all saved up which totaled to be about $5,700. Mother worked so hard for so long to get this money so we could have a wonderful life. I helped the ways I could and tried to get as many jobs as I could and we finally could start a happy life. 

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