"Mummy, what type of joke is this? Abeg ooo" I shook my head

"It's not a joke" my mum replied with all seriousness and the reality of this dawned on me "when your dad was still alive, he arranged with Godswill. That when you're twenty five and there's no man in your life, you'll marry his son"

"I'm not yet twenty five. And I have a boyfriend" I blurted out

"You're almost twenty five Ebby and you don't have a boyfriend. After Solomon, you haven't dated again. You've just been sleeping around and I don't want that for you. I want you to get married and be happy" she replied

When I was dating my ex, I told my mum about him and he met her on few occasions. Everybody was convinced that we would end up together. He made me believe that we would end up together. But then, shit happened and I moved on.

"Getting married doesn't guarantee happiness mum. I'm happy with myself now. I don't need that kind of stress, living with a man, who will be disturbing me every single time. I'm doing well for myself and I don't need a man to make me happy. I don't want to get married" I replied

"Taaar. Shut up. I know you don't need a man to make you happy. I know you're happy with yourself, and I know you don't want to get married. But do you want to continue this life? No boyfriend, no husband. So after sleeping around, what next, go home and feel the loneliness?"

"I won't be lonely. I'll buy a dog. I have friends and I have you and Gozie" I replied, sounding stupid to my own ears cos that wasn't going to convince my mum.

"All these people will be with their own family. All your friends are dating and next thing, they'll be married, I'll die someday and you're talking of buying a dog? As what? Company?" my mum stared at me, daring me to challenge her, and I stared right back.

"I'm not marrying a child," Kazeem said, his veins popping out of his neck and I seriously wanted to poke it with a needle.

He just had to be stupid at this moment where I was in a staring contest with my mum

I scoffed and sent a harsh glare his way "And I'm not marrying an old man. God your hairline is receding and you're nearly bald. Where did your hair start from again?" I asked and everywhere went silent.

That was a lie. He wasn't bald

My brother burst out laughing, followed this parents and my mum stared at me in horror

"But mummy, don't force her to marry him naa" Gozie finally contributed

"She will marry him and that's final" my mum replied

"I'm not marrying her either" Kazeem crossed his hand over his chest

Who does this one want to fight kwanu?

"Yes you will marry her. If you don't, you loose the company and all your inheritance. The wedding is in two months" his father threatened

"What?" Kazeem asked, obviously not believing his ears. I wasn't believing my ears too but we can't do anything about it.

We were just betrayed by our parents

"Ahhh. Please don't do that now. The wedding is too soon" Kate begged her husband

"He has to grow up. Become responsible. All those girls he's galavanting around with are after his money, looking for fame because he's an Oladipo. He can't keep misbehaving, thinking it's all about sex and different women. I'm not going to let my son keep sleeping with whores" Godswill roared

"She sleeps around too so she's a whore" Kazeem shouted

I don't know how it happened or how I moved, but the next thing I knew was that my palm collided with his left cheek. His face fell in the other direction due to the force of the unexpected slap. His hand flew to his cheek as he stared at me in shock. Everywhere went silent. Everyone was shocked, either from his statement or the slap.

"Don't you ever, in this your miserable life call me a whore again" I turned to my mum "so this is who you want me to marry" I laughed "fine. I'll marry him. But then, you people should be prepared to find one or both of us dead"

I walked out of the house, ignoring the calls of my mother and brother. A hand on mine stopped me and I saw it was my brother. He wiped my face and I felt his hand was damp

"Stop crying" he murmured and hugged me.

I didn't even know I was crying. I hugged him back. When he pulled away, he led me to the car and opened the front door for me. I got in and he went around the car and got in.

"Should we go home or your house?" He asked

I shook my head and sighed "I'll go to Doyin's house"

I don't want to be alone right now and I'm sure as hell I don't want to be near my mother


I began to wonder how my mum knew I was sleeping around. I tried keeping it away from her. Yes, all my friends were dating. Doyin has a boyfriend of three years, Thelma and Stanley were dating and now, Ogoo had a girlfriend. And here I am, not in a serious relationship, being forced to marry someone I couldn't stand.

"We're here" my brother shook me to bring me out of my thoughts

"Thanks. I'll be home tomorrow morning" I replied and walked out of the car. I heard him scream a goodnight and I waved at him. I knocked on the gate and the gateman let me pass. I knocked on her door she answered it in her towel.

"Babe whose there?" Tee shouted from inside

I walked in and broke down crying. I was engulfed in a hug and after a while, I felt another person join the hug.

I love my friends

I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😁😁😁😁😁

Guys, I think I'm broken in two..... NYSC has killed me 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and tbh I need a full body massage.

Send help before I die

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