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As he walked into the room, I panicked. I did not know how to tell him without sounding bat shit crazy, plus now I needed a favor from him. I obviously can't get up and walk out of here to help this girl. I looked up and noticed he brought me an orchid, I wasn't much for flowers, but I was intrigued by it. Most people brought roses or some other cliché kind with them. As he set them on the table next to me, he smiled. " I thought you might like this, my mother always said roses are expected, to be noticed is to be unexpected" he said as he adjusted it to his liking on the table." It's beautiful thank you, it's lovely." I replied, but my mind was still very much distracted with everything else. " So I had a dream last night that someone was going to die, and I think you should go check it out and save the situation." I can't believe I just blurted that out, he must really think I'm insane, I closed my eyes tightly and waited. I didn't hear anything, and he didn't say anything but I knew he was still there I could feel his presence still. I slowly opened one eye, then snuck a peek over. He was still just observing me calmly. What the hell, most people would be gone or admit me I'm sure. So I opened both eyes hesitantly and looked at him. I could see more questions in his eyes, yet it didn't feel like before, it was more of an acceptance in his eyes. " Is that all I have to go on? I'm going to need more details than that if you want me to save somebody." He said so calmly. I wanted to smile but as most things in life even the came out half assed, more like a half smile of unsure thoughts, like why is he so open and understanding normal people aren't like this. "I mean I guess that would help" I nervously chuckled." so you don't think I'm crazy...?" " Maybe a little" He replied " But I suspected something when you practically tackled me in front of the fire the other day"," You acted like you knew that was going to happen, so was that was a dream too? did you save my life that day?" I looked down at my hands not really knowing what to say in reply so I just nodded yes. he seemed a little upset when he said you could have died. "In my own defense" I replied " I thought I could beat the second explosion but I didn't expect it to happen so fast and I did want to get out of that situation it was getting a little heated" I said trying to put a little humor in the situation, its my go to when I'm uncomfortable why not laugh at a bad situation. My reply seem to satisfy him somewhat, "ok" he said," tell me about this new dream, what did you see?" wow can this conversation really be happening? He's not even acting like I've totally lost my marbles. I started to explain the dream to him and describe the bar within and what time tonight it should be happening. "Did you happen to get the name of the bar?" I hadn't, I had only remembered lions on the coasters, so he started looking up bars with lion in the name. I should have paid more attention." Ok, you said you saw her pill bottle did you see her name on it?" He replied. Crap Nancy Drew wouldn't have missed that one, here I was so proud and I missed something so important." No I have to admit I only was able to see the medication on there" I said. Admitting that I didn't see the name on her medication was a major fail and pretty disappointing how could I have not thought to check that, If this is gonna be a regular thing I should really get better at investigating, looks like a another Nancy Drew marathon or continue supernatural again. He started looking around for a pen and paper, "Here you can use the back of this " I said as I handed him a paper I had started sketching on. I had sketched out the coaster I had seen in my dream. "What's this? He asked. " That was on a coater in my dream I thought maybe it could be the logo of the bar or something. He looked somewhat impressed. He turned it over and started to take notes, which wasn't much but the picture was a big enough help." I'm gonna take this and go home to research more, Is there anything else you need right now?" he asked. " No I'm all good, My mom and sister will be heading here anytime now. Keep me updated" I replied with a smile." of course, I'll message you later today." He said as he went to hug me then kissed my forehead. My smile was still there I wanted to giggle I have definitely never been kissed on my forehead by anyone other than my parents. Also the look on his face didn't help me not want to chuckle he looked mortified. He stepped back towards the door." That was such a weird thing to do", He chuckled." I didn't hate it", I said I still couldn't shake the smile. "Well I'll see ya later and message" he said walking out the door. "Ok be careful", I said like I've known him forever. He smiled and left.

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