Chapter 2 - Lucid

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Here I am yet again trapped in a life like movie where I can only watch. I can only wander what fresh hell I am in this time. I appear to be in some type of break room. Three good size round tables accompanied with cheap folding chairs. I was next to the wall where two vending machines sat. There was a large window and door looking out to the parking. Straight across from the exit door was another door that I only assume led into a warehouse? I honestly did not know. Straight across from me was an older man. He was next to the fridge in front of a cabinet with a small microwave, I could not see was he was doing. He was facing the microwave. Maybe he was about to make a meal? He appeared to look important, nice slacks followed by a nice button-up shirt, his thin white hair was combed over. Maybe I'm in a law office or some type of firm? More questions I suppose I could just ask instead of standing here like some kind of quiet stalker across the room. " Ummmm... hello..?" I asked, what came out almost like I was questioning it. Nothing he did slightly turn and look around. It kind of gave me the chills. When I noticed his face, I felt unease. He was looking around and kept glancing at the ceiling corner as if he was waiting for something. Maybe there was a camera there? Either way, he was up to something, but what? He reached down and put 10 minutes on the microwave and hit start. He then headed to the door leading outside he swiped a key card from a clip he had attached to his belt loop. It surprised me how fast he was moving. He wanted out of here. I watched him fidget with his keys and hastily get in his big oversized black truck. He quickly peeled away from the parking lot. I watched till I could not see him anymore. I took a minute and observe my surroundings, this is also so bizarre, I looked ahead at the microwave and I could see small sparks coming off of whatever he had put in there. " Oh shit, that's not good," I said as if there was someone here with me. I quickly went over to turn it off, but no matter how many times I hit the button, nothing happened. I tried to open it but I didn't have the strength, so weird. Suddenly it was as if the air had been lit on fire, followed by so much pressure it had blown me back to the other side of the room. No way this was real I would so be dead. the windows were now gone along with both doors. "Holy shit," I said, as if the thought was not enough. How could I feel the heat, though? I feel terrified, like I'm going to go up in actual flames at any given moment. The fire was pretty out of control, but the flames were not as crazy as they previously had been, but the smoke, on the other hand, was intense and so extremely thick. I could hear screaming, so there are survivors. This brought some since of relief. I should have run out the door and left, but I couldn't ignore the screaming. So I did what any dumbass would do that's not trained for this, I ran into the flames. I could not really see anything through the smoke, I squinted as if it would help. Finally I saw some movement ahead, there were what I could only guess were shelves and products scattered everywhere, I could not tell what it was but I could tell that who ever was in front of me is suffering badly. I ran over, trying to help or attempt. " Hey! It's ok, I'm going to get you out," I yelled to him over all the noise and screaming. I tried to help move him. Nothing.. I'm useless. It was getting harder to fight tears. I deal with death daily but to see it, well that's a whole new devastating and heartbreaking experience. I assume he didn't hear me yell. I stopped for a minute to think as if I had a minute to do that, but then I heard sirens. They were that loud, but they grew louder as if they knew, so help is on the way, that's significant news I thought to myself I can hear several screams which means multiple survivors, a good thing though. I did not want to leave the man there or any of them, but help was about to be here, so I ran to the door. I could hear the sirens were here. As I ran to the door, I could see a firefighter running my same direction. I couldn't help but yell," Hey there are survivors! Hurry they are hurt!". Of course, so much going on, but I'm never heard. I hate this feeling. Hopeless. Useless. I want to scream, maybe if I focus hard enough I'll finally be heard. As I saw him running towards me I caught a glimpse of his eyes, with his equipment that's all you really could see of him. But they were nice eyes, full of determination. Eyes of a genuine hero. If I would have been truly here, our eyes would have locked. It's as if I don't exist. But before I could have another thought about anything, it threw me forward, leaving a weird sensation pierced through my chest. Before I could fully understand what just happened, a second explosion, taking me by complete surprise, I looked back up searching for those eyes again. I watched as a thin pipe of some sort pierced his chest with so much force that he was thrown back so far. But it felt like slow motion as he fell I watched the life leave his eyes. " NO," I screamed, I literally could not hold in the word. I approached his side to look closer, maybe he's ok, maybe I was wrong, maybe.... No, I wasn't wrong. his light-colored eyes stood out against his dark full lashes, but this time there was no courage to be seen. there was nothing, the eyes of what was. The paramedics were not giving up, this was one of their own, I could not imagine. The other firefighters were working on the fire, luckily none of the others were close enough to be hit with any shrapnel. I could tell they were concerned about the situation over here, but they had a job and knew they had to focus. At this point the tears are no longer just a thought I couldn't contain them. I just kept looking around for answers. I stood up and saw the man's helmet next to my feet. It said 118 on it I couldn't fully understand the importance of those numbers right now, but this is too much. I want to leave, but I felt compelled to stay with him, like he needed me. Impossible, he's dead, I know. I watched as they put him on a gurney. As they put the sheet over him, I could not help but notice his dark locks of hair, I could tell he was a beautiful man when he was alive. Nothing could feel more tragic than this, As he was wheeled away I felt like a piece of my soul left with him, as if things could be more intense here, I'm sad for a stranger I've never met. Another loud crash shook me, the building was now caving in on itself, then my ears started ringing. I tried to make it stop, but it grew more intense and louder. I slapped my alarm on my phone to shut it off and immediately pulled myself up in the bed, wiping the tears away from my eyes. my pillow was damp I must have been crying for a while. my bed was once again soaked from sweating. " Calm down Caydence just chill," I whispered as if I needed to reassure myself, but the shaking of my hands and body went straight to my core, it's all so overwhelming I almost didn't notice my body was still banged up from the wreck earlier this week. My thoughts are everywhere. Was this just a nightmare, or I'm yet again a witness to an unimaginable crime? Why would anyone do that? Would that be mass murder? Oh my god I need to get a grip on myself. It was just a dream. I guess I can rule out the pain pills now though.

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