"Lighten up. I wasn't serious. Come one, Pastor Nick, spill it. Are all the walls made of Titans?" Hanji asked.

"Section Commander?" Moblit said.

"How long has it been since I felt like this? I haven't felt like this since I first set foot outside the walls..." Hanji said.

"Talk about terrifying..."Hanji added.

A bell then rang. A Scout member was in a hurry to tell Commander Erwin about something.

"Titans have breached Wall Rose!" the soldier yelled.

*12 Hours Earlier*

The Scouts where in a building while on standby. Sasha and Connie were half asleep.

"Y'know, my village happens to be just a bit south from here" Connie said sluggishly.

"Where I come from happens to be close by too." Sasha said sluggishly.

Connie let out a sigh.

"Why can't I go see my people?" Connie complained.

Reiner and Bertholdt were playing chess.

"Maybe I'll just sneak out after dark." Connie said looking out a window.

"My people told me not to bother coming back 'till I'm normal. So, there's that." Sasha said.

"My people had told me I was too puny to become a soldier. No question I have the brains for it. I was top 10 in my class. Somebody is going to be eating their words." Connie said with a smirk on his face.

"Connie, I'll help you if you want to go." Reiner said.

"Yeah? Why would you?" Connie asked.

"Doesn't this feel a bit strange? We are on standby in our plain clothes. They won't let us wear our uniforms and we can't even train. What's even more suspicious is that our superiors are armed to the teeth. We are inside the walls, not on the frontlines. Who are we fighting exactly?" Reiner questioned while looking out the window.

"I don't know. Maybe they are just worried about bears." Connie plainly said.

"Sure, bears." Sasha repeated sarcastically.

"All you need for bears are guns" Reiner said.

Sasha then rested her head on the table and began to hear the thumping sound of Titans. Sasha's eyes widened.

"Uh, guys. I hear thuds! They sound like footsteps!" Sasha shouted.

"Knock it off, Sasha. Are you suggesting that there are Titan here, then that'd mean that Wall Rose had been breached."Reiner said.

"It's the truth! I really hear footsteps!" Sasha shouted putting her hands up in the air.

Nanaba then opened the window.

"Is everyone here? Titans, approximately 500 meters to the south and closing. They are headed this way. There is no time for you to suit into your ODM gear. Take your horses and evacuate all nearby homes and settlements. Understood?" Nanaba explained.

"The south." Connie said shocked.

The Scouts got on their horses and began to follow orders. They were told to split up into four teams. They were ordered to avoid fighting and only to spread the word of Titans infiltrating.

*Time Skip*

Eren was still sleeping in the infirmary. He was having a dream of what his mother once told. His mother taught him to learn to restrain himself and to protect those he holds dear. Eren then woke up and sat up. He sat up and the first thing he noticed was Mikasa who was sleeping. She fell asleep while knitting her scarf. The sun was shining bright on her as Eren admired her.

"How long have I been sleeping for? She sat here waiting for me. She must be exhausted." Eren thought.

Eren gently picked up Mikasa and laid her down on the bed he was sleeping on. After that, Eren looked out the window to get some fresh air. He turned around and noticed the scarf was on the floor. Eren picked it up and sat down looking at it. The scarf had a couple of holes in it.

"I wish I knew how to knit. I would have patched it up for her. My mother used to knit and tried to teach me, but I never listened. How I wish I did." Eren thought remembering all the good times he had with his mother.

Eren felt as if someone was watching him and looked up to see Mikasa was looking at him with a smile on her face.

"How'd you sleep?" Eren asked as he sat down on the bed.

"Fine." Mikasa said as she sat up.

"You must be exhausted. You should rest some more." Eren said.

"I'm fine. Thank you." Mikasa said.

There was silence. Mikasa rested her head on Eren's shoulder and began to fall asleep once more. It was peaceful. Armin then flung the door open.

"Eren, Mikasa! The Titans have breached Wall Rose! They are coming!" Armin shouted.

"Shit." Eren said.

*Time Skip*

Levi was with Erwin in his office.

"Why can't the sons of bitches give us a moments peace?" Levi questioned as he closed the door.

"Can you go?" Erwin questioned.

"Like there's a choice." Levi said.

"If I may say so, sir. It was wise to have Mike in charge of the 104th. If there's anyone who can handle the situation, it's him." a soldier said.

"Yes. Let's hope so." Erwin said.

*Time Skip*

Mike was on a rooftop killing any Titan that got near him. He was surrounded in Titans. Mike called his horse as he felt he bought everyone enough time to escape. He looked to his left to a 17-meter Titan was completely covered in fur. Mike's horse came but was grabbed by the Monke Titan. The Titan then threw the horse at Mike, but he moved out the way just in time. Mike fell from the roof and was grabbed by a Titan and it began to eat him.

"Wait.' The Titan said.

The Titan that was eating Mike continued to eat him.

"I told you to wait." the Titan said as he crushed the head of the Titan. Mike fell to the floor scared.

"May I ask what you call that strange weapon of yours?" the Titan asked.

Mike didn't speak. He was terrified.

"That thing attached to your waist." the Titan added.

Mike still didn't speak. The Titan let out a sigh and scratched the back of his ear.

"I'm fairly certain we speak the same language. Perhaps, you are too frightened to formulate a response. I noticed you also use swords. Fascinating. I'm guessing you know we reside in the nape. Oh well, I guess I'll just take it back with me." the Titan said as he reached for Mike's ODM gear.

Mike grabbed his sword and let out a scream.

"Oh, you can all move now." the Titan said signaling all the Titans.

The Titans began to go toward Mike and began eating him. Mike was torn to pieces and let out an agonizing scream as he was pulled apart.

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