Haunting Touch

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"Yes, I can do anything to fulfill my promise." She replied in determined voice, and Shruti immediately warned her - "Hey, are you mad? don't do this all please, we will not make fun of you. Promise."

"Oh come on shruti, she will not do anything like this, we know her since childhood. She is very coward." Nysha mocked at naina, and shruti glared her wrathfully for exciting her friend more. She said - "shut off your mouth nysha, why are you rubbing salt on her wound?"

"No shruti, she's saying absolutely right. I have listened enough of my mom dad, now I will do whatever I want, and no one can stop me." Naina said with promise in her eyes, that she will arrange money from anywhere.

In The Night, rakesh and rama were out to attend the business party, naina was alone in whole house. She silently went inside her parents bedroom, and started to search the key of locker, she has completely mess up their room while finding, but she didn't care about it, with every passing seconds her anger was increasing, for not able to discover the important key, she has to find it out anyhow before her parents come back. Suddenly, her eyes went on pillow, and she immediately threw it away, There it was, the bunch of keys were hidden under the pillow, she sighs in peace, and quickly unlock the locker to bring out the bundle of cash.

Sameer was going through the corridor, when he saw naina inside her parents room, at first he thought to avoid it, but when he found her keeping the bundle of cash inside her bag, he was left speechless. He instantly went down to call rakesh, and inform him about his daughter's deed.

He told him everything in slow voice, and ask him to come back to home as soon as he can. Naina was on cloud nine, finally she can purchase the most expensive phone, and show it off to her friends. She was lovingly staring the fresh notes of money from inside her bag, and was saying to herself in dramatic tone - "Sorry dad, but only this way was left for me, to buy new phone"

Rakesh knocks on the door softly, alerting naina about his presence, she hurriedly kept her bag aside, and run to open the door. She nervously smiles at him, and he entered in without her permission.

"So, what were you doing dear?" He ask formally, and she replied him - "Nnn... nothing special dad, I was doing assignment."

"Really?" He gave a surprised look to her, and then harshly picking her handbag from bed, he checks inside to find two bundles of money. Naina closes her eyes out of fear, and wonder that who did tell him about this??

"Wow, amazing assignment dear." He said in sarcastic way, and throw the bag down.

"What kind of daughter are you naina? what lack was left in our upbringing, that today you lower my head with shame?" Rakesh ask in hurtful tone, and in meantime rama and sameer also come, he look at to them both, and then to naina, and ask her in stern voice - "Say? did I ever refuse you for anything? then why did you stolen the money?"

"I...I don't know how did this appeared in my bag." Naina spoke fearfully, her voice was shakig, as she was feeling very remorseful on her mistake.

"Shut up, don't try to hide your mistake, Naina, thank god, that sameer informed me at accurate time about these all, otherwise I would have never come to know." He said in shameful voice, and naina realised that it was sameer who told her father about these all, the guilt was gone now, and only hatred was filled in her heart for him. What does he understands to himself?

"You will not step out of this house from now on, you have got so spoiled by roaming with your friends, learn something from sameer. This poor guy is working day and night for us, to earn money, and here you are stealing them for your useless wishes. You should feel shame on yourself naina, we haven't taught you this all rubbish things, i wish I could slap you, but I don't want to become a sinner by touching you." Rakesh was continuously reprimanding naina, and praising to sameer, who is just a normal worker in their house.

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