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The next day Sirzechs and his partners began preparations for the arrival of Rias and her peerage

Anos(Turning to Sirzechs): Rias mentioned that she would be arriving by train.

Sirzechs: Yes they are aboard the Devil Express as we speak.

Anos(With a devilish smirk): Why don't we prepare a small surprise for them.

Azazel Michael and Sirzechs throw each other a look. They all think about the same thing: "Rias is gonna be doomed".

Sirzechs: What did you have in mind.

Anos: Nothing special really, Why dont we have them fight Tannin over there the moment they reach this area.

Tannin(Rubs his hands in glee): I love the idea, I want to see what Ddraig's new host has up his sleeve.

Anos: Then my friend I am afraid you shall be disappointed.

Tannin: Never the less it will help us train them.

Anos: There are not going to be any problems I assume

Sirzechs: No my lord. Just be careful not to kill them.

Anos: That won't be a problem I can simply resurrect them if they die

Azazel(To himself): As if anyone is stupid enough to disagree.

Anos sits back while the others prepare the are for the not-so-fortunate arrivals.

Soon a large red train appears overhead and Anos sees the floor of one of the carriages dissolving causing several figures to fall to the ground.

Issei pov

Issei(To himself): I don't know what the hell is happening, One moment I am fantasizing about all the boobs around me, and the next thing I know Everyone is falling towards the ground of who knows where.

Rias: Akeno cast levitation magic, make sure no one is injured.

Several magic circles light up the air as the group's fall slows down. Once they land they seem to be ok just a little dazed.Before they can recover however the huge form of tannin appears and Anos must admit that his performance was more than satisfactory with rias and her peerage being completely crushed by Tanin's sheer power. In the end after Issei's, full power dragon shot completely failing to do any damage to Tannin Sirzechs decides that it was enough and he along with the rest of the group proceeds to explain Rias and her Peerage. The moment Issei hears that this was all Anos's plot he shakes his red fist at Anos

Issei: I should have known that this was your idea.

Anos: You don't need to make me look bad you know.

Issei: Who else here do you think is capable of making a plan this demonic.

Seeing Issei waving his hands while trying to give Anos a scolding prove too much for him as Anos bursts out in mild laughter.

Anos: I knew there was something about you. You are simply too amusing to ignore.

Sasha flies down with the other two.

Sasha: I swear Anos I haven't seen you laugh that much since who knows when.

Issei(Visily drooling): Who are those three babes.

Sasha: Who's the worm.

Anos: Just the resident clown, And let me tell you he is a big pervert.

Sasha Misha and Eleonor take one look at Issei and shoot a look of loathing towards him.

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