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Anos stayed at the familiar master cottage for three years before his magic reached half of its original.

After 3 years Anos decided to move forward in time to a favorable period where he could actually make a difference without wiping out all life that existed. In the mean, while he enjoyed his new life with his parents. His favorite dish by far was his mother's Mushroom gratin.

After three years he proceeded to move his plan into action. He erased the memories of the familiar master and modified the memories of his parents before teleporting all of them 500 years into the future in a town named Kuoh. The moment he entered the town he noticed a few things first there seemed to be devil energy all around town like a marker which he assumed highlighted territory for the devils and secondly, he detected fallen angel energy mixed in. Anos was a bit surprised at this.

Anos to himself: If this is Devil territory then what are fallen angels doing here. They might start another war if I let these idiots roam about free.

Izabella: Anos dear we finished registering you for school

Anos's thoughts are interrupted by his mother's voice

Anos nodded to himself: Thank you mother. Would you mind telling me when the first day of school is?

Izabella pokes her head into Anos's door and says: If you want you could go today or you could begin next week

Anos: Thank you mother I shall take my leave then.

Izabella: Our little child is so grown up. Look at him taking school so seriously.

Anos(To himself): I need intel on my descendants as fast as I can

Anos then heads out towards the only school in town Kuoh academy

Before entering the school building he notices two devils standing guard at the gate. Without masking his demon signature Anos walks boldly in through the main gate

Devil 1: Hey you boy with Black hair, may I ask why you aren't wearing your uniform.

Anos: Well I am new here so I don't have it yet.

Sona: O that's fine we are from the student council my name is Sona Sitri and I am the council president and this is my vice president Tsubaki Shinrai. we will get you your uniform after we are done here. Would you mind staying beside my secretary for a minute, please?

Anos: sure.

As the students walk past Anos notices the girls pointing at him and giggling, while the boys look at him with dislike while muttering something about not needing another pretty boy.

Seeing their response Anos gives a slight bow to the girls and seemed indifferent to the glares the boys gave him.

A few minutes later.

Sona: Tsubaki would you mind locking up I need to go give him his uniform.

Tsubaki: Yes president.

Sona: I didn't catch your name mind telling me who you are.

Anos: Where are my manners. Apologies (With a low bow) Anos Voldigoad at your service You can call me Anos.

Sona: You don't need to bow all the time, Anyway follow me I will hand you your uniform and timetable.

Anos follows Sona into the school building. While walking by Anos notices a gaze on him and looks up to see a stream of crimson hair


Rias: Akeno have you ever seen that boy before

Akeno: Are president do you have a new crush. Then can have Issei all for myself.

THE REBIRTH OF THE STRONGEST DEMON KINGWhere stories live. Discover now