Killua and Nijika both looked impressed before they shared looks.

'Do you think this one is lying?' Killua mouthed as he pointed at the new man with his finger behind his back.

Nijika observed him for a couple of seconds before shaking her head, 'What do you think?' She mouthed back as jutted her chin forward aiming at the man.

Killua looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding, 'He doesn't seem like he's lying.'

The two teens nodded before turning their attention back to the man as he examined the item in his hand.

"There's a detail that only a trained eye can see," he explained as he pointed at some part of the sculpture, "These points indicate that the chest never had been open after it's seeking. If it's an original it must contain a huge quality of precious objects." A smirk appeared on the man's face as he gave a mocking look at the man at the counter, "You wanted to pretend to check the age of the wood, and use that chance to empty the chest right?"

My eyes narrowed as the portly man started to stutter and sweat.


Nijika politely ate while the three male in front of her scarfed down the food brought in front of them.

After exiting the store, the items in hand, the three children found out their savior was Zepile, the man who was also auctioning on the object they found aura in.

After few moments of talking it was decided that the children will buy the man lunch in thanks.

"Another chicken kebab please!" Zepile ordered as he finished his third plate of food, much to Nijika's annoyance.

"Oh! I want another one too! How about you guy, Gon, Nijika?" Killua questioned as he looked at his two friends.

Nijika wiped her mouth with a napkin and shook her head, "No thanks I lost my appetite watching you guys scarf your food down," the female crinkled her nose in disgust.

"Well I want another one as well so make it three orders please!" Gon yelled at the waiter energetically.

As Zepile pushed more food into his mouth, Gon decided to speak, "Ne, Zepile-San, I've thought for a bit, and well..." The spiky haired boy paused giving Nijika and Killua side way glances, "I think inviting you to lunch isn't enough, I'd like to give you a commission!"

"Hah?!" Nijika and Killua both exclaimed as they looked at Gon with annoyance.

"This again?" Killua whined as he gritted his teeth while sweat dropping.

The older male just laughed and shook his head, "Ah? No, don't worry the meal is enough for me. Miss! A miso soup with tofu please!"

Nijika cover her eyes with her hands and sighed, 'Oh please, don't order more food! This is going to be expensive!'

Killua on the other hand yelled at Gon, "What he said, Gon! See? He ate like ten plates!" The silver haired male suddenly looked up and waved at the waitress, "I'll take the rice with crab!"

Nijika growled and smack Killua over his head, with a vein popping in her fist, "Stop ordering so much Killua! We need to save money alright?" The female scolded Killua who whined childishly.

Gon who was already used to the two's interaction looked at Zepile in worry, "But... I..."

Zepile just waved off the ravenette, "I'm serious! It's ok! In exchange you explain something to me."

Killua and Nijika immediately stopped their fighting, both of them holding each other's cheeks pausing from pulling on it, making it red. They looked at each other for a second, having a silent truce for a moment before turning their attention towards the older male, letting go of each other's cheek in process.