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Derek's POV

I don't know what I did to deserve Meredith. When Addison turned up and said those horrifying words, "and you must be the woman whose been screwing my husband", you could almost hear Meredith's heart shattering inside of her chest.

Then when and Addison tried to make a go of it, we were married after all, Meredith took it all in her stride. She didn't make work uncomfortable for any of us. If anything she made it easier - she worked well with Addison, she worked well with me and still excelled at everything.

Eventually, the cracks in my marriage with Addison was far too apparent that neither of us could ignore anymore and we decided to divorce. Meredith seemed genuinely sorry for us, she was sad that we was getting a divorce.

It was a few weeks after when I finally asked her to be my girlfriend again. I could tell she was wary of trusting me again and it took a long time before we got back to the point before my now ex-wife showed up, but we're happy now. Together, we're happy.

At lunch, I'm sat in the canteen an Addison is sat next to me. Since our divorce, we've became good friends. I think we're probably better friends now than what we were as husband and wife. Addison is talking about her surgery she performed this morning, going over every step she did. She does this after every surgery, a post-op complusion - she's convinced she missed a step so she goes over it, and over it and over it and over it.

I saw Cristina walk in, but no Meredith. Where's Mer?

"Hey Cristina, where Meredith?"

"What do you mean?"

"She said she couldn't make lunch plans with me because she was doing something with you, but I don't see her" I say, looking around her.

"Oh yeah, that. We had to, uh, postpone. I think Mer got, uh, called into a, uh, surgery."

Out of all the resident's, Meredith and Cristina is one of the favourites so it makes sense if someone requests her in their OR.

Cristina's POV

After being questioned by Derek and grabbing some food, I leave the canteen and decide to call Meredith. I haven't seen her all day, which is really unlike us.

Voicemail, typical. I leave a message anyway.

"Hey Mer, where are you? McDreamy was asking about you. Apparently you said we had plans for lunch. Don't worry though, I got your back. I'm sure you have a reason for avoiding him. I said you was in a surgery, so you have a few hours.".

Meredith is my person, if I killed somebody I know she would be the one I could call to help get rid of the body and I would do the same for her. I'd always give her an alibi.

Derek's POV

I was on the surgical floor getting ready for my next surgery when I walked passed the surgery board. I looked all over it and nowhere says "Grey, M".

Before going to get scrubbed in, I speak through the window of the other ORs. None of which include my beautiful girlfriend.

Where is Meredith?

Meredith's POV

I have so many patients charts next to me, which I need to get through. I'm hidden down in the tunnels, or of the basement of the hospital if you want to call it by the proper name.

I get through them at long last and make my way back upstairs to find Bailey. I turn my phone back on and listen to the voicemail left by Cristina, I owe her so much. I check the clock, it took me so long just to write up those notes. My shift finished two hours ago. Bailey is going to be so mad.

"Well, finally. I'm glad you could brace up with your presence, Grey."

"Sorry, Bailey. But I've finished all your notes, here they are." I replied, mustering up a smile.

Bailey snorted. She makes these noises when she's mad and boy, oh, boy she's mad at me. I'm useless. I can't do anything right. I want to go home, and sleep. I'll do a workout and then I'll sleep. Exercise helps me sleep.

"Well, what are you still doing here? Your shift finished. Or do you need help finding your car, like you need help writing your notes? Jeez, what's gotten into today. You use to be competent."

Bailey's words snapped me out of my daydream. Her words stung. I walked away, wouldn't dare to cry. I stopped by a supply closet and snuck in. I knew the exact box I need to go to, and I picked up half a dozen and shoved them into my pocket and left the closet and the hospital.

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