Chapter 18- Paint

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((((CW: Bullying/ Harassment)))) 

George's eyes opened, slightly crusty, face red and puffy from crying all night. He felt so empty without a call from Dream last night. He wanted to be holding him all night, talking to him. He didn't get much sleep. He spent hours sobbing into his pillow. He swung his legs out of his bed. He looked at his clothes, blue hoodie, grey sweatpants. He shrugged and slugged his way onto the bus with his backpack.

His heart ached from the emotions that filled him. He felt that he made a mistake about Dream. He knew it was better in the long run though. He sat on the bus thinking of Dream's lips. He didn't even notice when tears started silently dripping down his cheeks. He laid his head against the cold glass, trying to shut out the world around him.

The bus halted when it finally made it to the school. George looked at his reflection in his black phone screen, eyes puffy, cheeks slightly swollen, red. He looked like a mess. He looked like he had been crying all night, which he had. He looked out the window to see Dream in a similar state, eyes red, hair a mess. George stood up finally after the bus driver yelled,

"C'mon kid I don't have all day!" George didn't even realize he was the last person on the bus. His legs felt like jello, he was weak. He slumped off the bus, his heart sinking. He made eye contact with Dream for a couple seconds before turning his head away and quickly walking into the school. Everyone was different today. Many students were gathered around the front doors, all looking at their phones and giggling. George was much more aware of his appearance when people started giggling while looking at him. He turned a strange shade of red under the people's looks. A couple feet away Dream furrowed his brows, and started to follow George into the school.

George kept walking to his locker disregarding the strange attitudes of the students. Once he got to his locker, his heart stopped. The entire row of lockers was filled with pictures of George. In every picture his eyes were blacked out and slurs and names were written all over the papers. He choked back all the emotions he felt. There was a note on his locker it read,

"Nobody wants you here." George no longer felt embarrassed, he felt afraid. That note could mean anything. He turned to leave but someone wearing a mask and holding a bucket was in his way. George could guess that this was Techno, based on the tall skinny body. Before George could do anything he was getting paint thrown on him. He looked down at his clothes, he was covered head to toe in rainbow paint. The paint splattered onto his face as well.

He ran. He knew nothing else to do. He saw that he passed Dream quickly, not even making eye contact with him.

"Wait! George!" Dream yelled after George, his voice breaking. George didn't listen, didn't stop. He was done. He wanted to go home and never come back to this shitty school. Once he got to the front of the school, people were laughing at him. Schlatt stopped him in his tracks. Schlatt pushed his head down onto the concrete and placed his boot onto the side of George's head. George felt his life flash before him. This is it, he thought, it's over. The weight on his head grew and grew. His mind felt fuzzy. He closed his eyes and let it happen. Suddenly the weight was lifted off of his head, just to feel a kick to the back of his skull. He couldn't seem to open his eyes, or even get up. He heard mangled yelling,

"Schlatt get off of him! I don't care that he's gay that doesn't make it okay! You know what Schlatt?" George heard students cheering and people fighting. He was so far, he was tired, he didn't want to get up, or try. "I'm gay Schlatt! That's right, I'm gay!" he heard someone yell. Several more punches were thrown. George felt his mind drifting off when he heard the same voice yell, "George? George! Wake up please George! Please-" The voice choked, breaking. "I need you George, please.. Wake up-"

George felt his head throbbing. He tried to sit up before even opening his eyes. A hand pushed him back down into a bed, very lightly. He tried to open his eyes. He saw nothing but blurs of color.

George opened his eyes again, this time to see he was alone, in Dream's room. He was wearing a green hoodie and black sweatpants, both far too large for him. They smelled strong of Dream's cologne, it was comforting to George. His hair felt crusty with splashes of paint. Dream walked into the room holding ice packs and water. He quickly put down the items when he saw that George was awake. Dream quickly knelt beside the bed and took George's hand in his own. George's head was still throbbing. Dream started speaking,

"Oh my god George. I- I was so worried. I- are you okay?" Dream asked, his tone frantic. George looked at Dream for a moment before whispering,

"Yeah, my head just hurts like hell." His voice was raspy and unsteady. Dream started talking again,

"Look George I know, you were right about last night. My friends are pricks-"

"Dream..." George whispered. Dream continued,

"But I came out to Schlatt, I told him I- I'm gay. Not to mention I beat the shit out of him."

"Dream," George continued. Dream didn't listen,

"But when I saw you knocked out on the floor my heart stopped, it felt like my whole world stopped. George, I just really wanted to tell you,"

"Clay-" George said. "I love you-"

"I love you-" Dream and George said in unison. George smiled feebly at Dream. Dream laughed before grabbing George's face, they connected their lips after several moments of looking into each others eyes.

They spent the rest of the day in bed. Dream caring for George in between blissful naps and cuddling. They barely said anything at all. Tomorrow was the first day of winter break. Neither boy cared about anything except for each other. They slept in each others arms that night, everything calm. Just how it's supposed to be.

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