5. Parters in crime

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Song: Partners in crime - FINNEAS

Warnings: Alcohol, drugs, short (?)

word count: 675

notes: I'm getting rid of the "prompts" part cause I'm lazy, lyrics are jumbled up but listening to the song while reading is recommended. me when I lied and said it was gonna b Valentine-themed.


you won't remember
But I carried you home
You sat in the shower
While I washed off your clothes

I got out of the car as I carried sleeping Natasha from the backseat to her house. I took the key from her purse and went inside.

Still carrying her I walked to the bathroom and sat her down in the bathtub, I shook her awake and said "Go clean up I'll wait outside". She nodded and I went out and waited

After a few minutes, she got out ready to sleep. So, I led her to her room and made sure she was comfortable in her bed. As soon as she laid her head she fell asleep. I sighed and thought about how she won't remember this tomorrow, that's what always happens. I hated it but she's my partner in crime.

Didn't see you for ages
Didn't pick up your phone

The next day I expected the same thing, a call from her asking me to drive her home. But no call, no text. Maybe she didn't go out today I thought. I was wrong.

It's been 5 months and since that day she never called, texted try and contact me. Ever. I never even met her at the club she used to go to. I even tried calling her myself instead of waiting for her calls, she never answered.

I was late to the party
Of an old family friend
I was lookin' for parking
Thought I saw you again

I was walking from the parking lot to a restaurant, where my friend's birthday party was placed and I thought I saw her but as soon as I looked back the person was gone. I thought I was just imagining things, but I had to admit I had a little amount of hope. I miss her.

I said you look pretty
All strung out on coke
You said it's not funny
But it wasn't a joke

I was laying on my couch when I got a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" I questioned. "Hi, y/n.." As soon as the voice spoke I recognized it immediately. "Natasha? Why are you calling?" "I need you to pick me up" I was gonna decline but being the person I am said yes and went to her location.

As i picked her up we drove in silence. I mean what do expect we do? We haven't heard or seen from each other in months.

Arriving at my house this time I set her down on my couch since I could tell she wasn't drunk like usual but she wanted to talk. That's the thing, we were so close I could read her like an open book.

"Why'd you ghost me?" I started

She looked like she expected that "I realized I wasn't being such a good friend, you basically took care of me."

I nodded a little angry but it is true, what she's saying.

There was silence, I looked at her and couldn't help but stare. At her state she still looked as gorgeous as I ever.

"you look pretty" I said while looking at her, she looked at me but I didn't look her in the eyes.

"That's not funny"

"And who's said I was joking?" I responded, she looked confused. I looked at her in the eyes this time.

The tension was almost unbearable. So I decided to break it. I leaned in and kissed her. I didn't expect her to kiss me back but she did. I smiled into it.

I broke the kiss and I smiled at her "I always wanted to do that" We both giggled

You couldn't look any more
Like a lover or a partner in crime
Or something of mine

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