Home Again

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   I walked down the street, until I saw the house, then I stopped. I took a deep breath, I walked up to the door, pulling my suitcase onto the step. I took a deep breath and knocked, I heard shuffling behind the door. The door finally opened and Fuyumi's head poke out. I smiled, "Fuyumi." I said as stepped forward. She started to tear up. "Reign?!" She said as she pulled me into a hug. I embraced her as she sobbed quietly, "What- How are you here right now?" She said as she pulled back, her hands still around my shoulders. "It's a long story. Where's dad?" I said as I looked around. "He's at the hero school, UA." She said as she sat on the couch. "What's he doing there?" I said confused. "Shoto, he has his entrance exam today." She said as she smiled. We talked for what felt like mere minutes but in reality it was a few hours. I asked her about her teaching degrees, her substitute jobs and what school she works at. "What's going on with you?" She said as she poured me some more tea. "Uh. I finished school early, the private school sent me home because of the new students and well they couldn't keep me any longer. Uhhh. I also got my Provisional Hero License too." I said as I smiled.

   "Wow! Congrats, and to think dad thought sending  you there was bad." She shook her head. I looked down, "About that-" I tried to say. "No I understand, dad was hard on you and Shoto as kids. That's no way for a kid to spend their childhood. You had to leave when you got your chance." She said as she held my hand. "That's such a young age to get your license at!" She said, changing the subject. "It's not that hard," I said as I shrugged, "especially when your dad is the number 2 hero." I said as I smiled. "Where's everybody?" I said as I got up.

   "Oh I totally forgot." She said checking her watch. " Natsou is in his room I believe." She said as she put the tea cups and kettle away. We walked down the hallway and then she held her finger up to her mouth shushing me. "Natsou." She said as she knocked on his door. I tilted my head as we waited, looking at the door. "Hold on." I heard from the other side of the door. Fuyumi giggled, the door opened quickly, "Yes?" He said as I hid by the wall. "How are you?" I said as showed myself. He smiled widely, "REIGN!! Oh my god! You're here! How?" He said as pulled me into a bear hug. I melted into his hug, "I missed you so much!" He said wiping his tears. "Aw me too. You've gotten tall." I said as he towered over me.

   He held my arm, and smiled softly, "You look just like mom." Then his smile faltered, Fuyumi looked down. "Where is mom?" I said ignoring them. Natsou patted my shoulder then he said "She's still in the hospital." Fuyumi sighed, "I have to start cooking before dad gets back." She said as she walked back to the kitchen. "I'll show you to your room, so you can freshen up before dinner." Natsou said as he pulled me along, he grabbed my suitcase and pulled it with his other arm. We walked past the training room, I gazed into the room. Natsou watched my reaction, "I wish I could say things are better now, but it's just awkward." He said as he made a face and laughed.

We walked until we stood in front of a door, "Here you are." He said as he opened the door. Everything was still the same, I sat on the bed and looked at all the frames on the wall. A picture of me and Todoroki was on the nightstand, "We were inseparable. A team that no one messed with." I said as picked up and dusted it off. "Yeah. My favorite set of twins." He said as he smiled. He pulled me into another hug, "Good to have you back, Reign." He said as he pulled back. Before he walked out he turned around, "Shoto's gonna be glad you're back."

   I changed into something more comfortable, I started to reorganize the room. Then I heard the door, open and close. I walked slowly to the kitchen, when I saw my father and Shoto with their backs turned. Fuyumi was speaking to them, "So about today.." She said fumbling with her fingers. "What?" Dad said out loud. "Father." I said as I bowed to show my respect. He turned and said, "Ah, Reign." He looked at me then he sat down ready to eat, I sighed and sat down as well. Shoto sat next to me and ate silently, "So?" Dad said as he ate. I cocked an eyebrow towards him, "What are you doing back so soon? I believe you had 2 more years at that school."

   "As you've always said, hard work pays off. I got my Provisional Hero License and finished school." I said eating my food. Shoto choked on his food, then Fuyumi handed him some water. "Congrats, but I wish you could have attended school with your brother, it would've made his chances better at UA. It would also have made all the major headlines, and after all you are twins." Dad said nonchalantly. "Hmm." I said as I picked at my food. "What?" He said as he looked up to me. "I should have known, nothing is good enough for you. I keep wishing to please you, but I might as well dig my grave now." I said as I stood up. "Or will it come as a surprise like Touya's?" I said as walked back to my room. I tried to contain my anger, I walked to the bathroom shrugged off my clothes, then stepped into the shower turned on the cold water and stood underneath it to cool off.

   I sat there as steam filled the bathroom, after awhile the steam was too much so I turned off the water. I grabbed a towel and started to dry off my hair, I quickly changed into some clothes and sat on the bed contemplating coming back home. I packed all of my things back. I threw on my jacket and turned to the door, "But I haven't even said hello." Shoto said from the door. I held my arms up and he walked into them and we hugged. "It's so good to have you back, but you're going so soon?" He said as he gestured toward the suitcases.

   I sat, "No. I thought I could do it but I can't do that to you again." I said as I let go of the suitcase. He sat down and sighed as well, I looked closely at his face. He held his hand up to his scar, "I-" "It wasn't your fault." He said as he wiped the tear off his cheek. I wiped mines and faced the other direction, "It wouldn't have happened if I just fell back to sleep." I said as I looked down. "The doctors said it was bound to happen one way or another. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. If it was you I would have never forgave myself. How arrogant and selfish of me to even think of now as a possibility." He said with a half smile.

   "I just can't stop and think of how it could have been avoided, or what other ways it could have gone." I said looking down. The door opened and dad walked in, "Oh, I was expecting you to be alone. Can I speak to your sister alone, Shoto?" He said as he took a step forward. Shoto stood up and walked out, before he continued into the hall, he turned to me and nodded. I smiled and then I looked to my father, "Yes, father?" I said as I started to unpack my bag. "Your Provisional Hero License, hmm. Can you start work at a hero agency?" He said as he looked around at the room. "Yes." "If you don't mind I can have you start work at my agency tomorrow? You can be my right hand, you'll also have your own flexible hours. I can't promise hero work but I'll try."

   I considered it for a couple minutes, "I'll start with your agency." I said. He bowed his head slightly and walked out, "Good to have you back, Reign." He said. I closed my door after him and put away my last set of clothes. I laid down and closed my eyes, I drifted off to sleep, I was going to need all the sleep I could get.

1483 words-

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