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After the agreement to keep Meliodas in Istar and let the Seven Deadly Sins visit every other day, it had become a schedule. The boar hat would close for a few hours, and then the sins would come by to visit. Merlin had only come by to do little blood tests on Meliodas to cure his weak body.

Currently, everyone had been sleeping peacefully around each other. Elizabeth had been able to convince Zaneri and Jenna to let them stay for a few nights after Jenna specifically told them they couldn't.

But Of course, Meliodas wasn't anywhere near them that night.

The group slept peacefully through the night, and the next thing they knew, it was morning.

"Zeldris! Wake up!"

Zeldris immediately bolted awake after hearing his name being called out.

"Hawk? What's the matter?" Zeldris grumbled. Hawk blew out a small puff of air.

"Finally! You took ages to wake up." Hawk sighed.

"Your the last one awake! Everyone woke up about an hour ago." Hawk explained. Zeldris rose a brow. He had never slept In this much before. He was usually the one who woke up the earliest and went the bed late at night.

"Come on. Breakfast is almost gone!"

Zeldris stood up slowly, before following Hawk out the cave he had been sleeping in with the others. Everyone else had been walking around Istar after eating breakfast. Zeldris then found himself in a green patch of grass, and a blanket where all the food had been set upon.

"Oh, you're finally awake?" Zeldris looked to the side and noticed Meliodas sitting near the blanket. He looked extremely tired, and he didn't even look hungry. But he looked like he had been forcing himself to eat something.

"Morning." Zeldris greeted. Zeldris took a small bowl of grapes next to him before slowly eating them.

"Hawk!" Meliodas suddenly whined.

"What's the matter?" Hawk asked. Meliodas frowned before handing Hawk his plate which still had a good amount of food on it.

"Eeek! All this for me?!" Hawk exclaimed. Meliodas nodded. Without another second passing by, Hawk quickly dug into the plate of food, eating it as quickly as possible.

"Meliodas. Are you okay?" Zeldris asked. Meliodas nodded.

"I guess. I'm not kinda hungry today." Meliodas smiled before walking over to Zaneri.

"Zeldris! I challenge you to a sword fight!" King suddenly shouted. Zeldris whipped his head around to see King, Diane, and Ban behind him.

"Huh? But why?" Zeldris asked.

"He's jealous because Diane thinks you know how to use a sword better than him." Ban laughed.

"It makes sense! Don't you remember being told he's like really good at using a sword?" Diane reminded.

"W-Well!..." King cut himself off. He noticed everyone else had been watching them.

"When was the last time he picked up a sword? 16 years ago? He probably doesn't even know how to fight anymore!" King shouted.

"Uh...What?" Zeldris's sweatdropped. King twitched.

"Well? Do you expect my proposal?" King spoke. Zeldris looked at the others for a moment before speaking.

"Sure...but maybe sometime later," Zeldris said. King nodded before flying off.

"You better give it your all Zeldris." Elizabeth smiled.  Zeldris smiled weakly In response.

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