"Huh, what is it..? Wait why are you heading towards him?" Little Jake asks, shocked.

"If I died in an alleyway then I won't die here." Jake predicts.

"...I- your not wrong... but be careful." Little Jake warns.

Jake got closer and closer, the person looked odd, as if he was being held by the face, but it was too dark to jump to conclusions.

"Umm... excuse me, do you know where the nearest open store is?" He asks, keeping a distance.

Suddenly the person drops to the floor, blood gushing from his neck.

"Damnit kid, its not easy to stop blood from rushing like that... but I can't have any witnesses." The man grunted.

"Shit." Jake's heart beat raises as he turns around to run and immediately notice a girl in a hoodie below the street light he had already passed.

Jake froze, he set the world, he wanted to avoid, in motion.

"That's... that's...." Jake tries to reveal.

Little Jake turns around, "No way, this isn't good... run!"

The man behind them tries to come at Jake with a knife from the top but he avoids it receiving a minor cut on his left arm. There was no other way, they were on a different physical level meaning speed was not in his favor... the alleyways were the only way through.

Jake runs to the alleyways getting lost in between them. Taking rights, lefts, all sides.

"If I don't know where I'm going, they sure don't." He pants.

"Stop!" Little Jake demands.

Jake follows and hears footsteps slowly headed his way. The sound of a blade grinding the wall. He runs away from it and continues to get lost.

"It's useless! This is their kill zone, of course they'll know every nook and cranny." He pants.

"Shut up and stop after ten seconds of running." Little Jake begins, "You're in pain from the punch before and the excessive running."

"Fine... let's stop now." Jake stops, hiding beside a trash bin. "...My GPS, let me turn it on.

"With what battery?" Little Jake asks.

"Fuck... I'll hide in the trash bin all night, but it's a matter of time for... them to find me." He sighs and whispers. "And I'm running out of running juice."

"They will find you eventually... the murders were probably here you know..." Little Jake mentions, "It's a matter of luck."

"...Let's walk vigilantly... and when-" Jake plans.

Suddenly out of the darkness a knife comes through aimed at his head. He dodges it but in the process he hits his head with large and green trash bin beside him. His vision turns blurry and weak.

"Damn it, Jake, you idiot... get up!" Little Jake yells.

Jake follows, running like a drunken man. They soon come across a familiar set of pipes, bins and puddle, a puddle where Jake falls in weakness.

"No no no no! This is the exact place you die! Get up!" Little Jake yells.

"It was nice spending some time with you... in fact you're more human than I am... Long story short, thank you." Jake gives up.

"You idiot, you know how much pain Sara and Jess will be in?! Jess may have cut ties with you, but Sara... she will break!" Little Jake begins, "After all the time she spent with you, you just want to put that all to waste? If you are beginning to understand Sara, then imagine the years ahead of you. You can have a chance after you explain yourself to her."

A Maid Crazy For Her MasterWhere stories live. Discover now