Chapter 4

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Elizabeth was now about 2 months pregnant. Her sister was getting married. And Elizabeth couldn't be anymore excited. She was with Alice watching Bella trying to walk in heels. "Can I just walk barefoot" Bella asked. Elizabeth gave her a look. "No" Elizabeth said. "Worth a shot asking" Bella said. Soon Alice left them because she needed to go help Emmett with something. "Have you heard from him yet" Bella asked. "No I haven't heard from him since he left. But I am sure he is fine" Elizabeth said. Jacob had taken off when he heard Bella was marrying Edward. Elizabeth was with Billy trying to get Jacob to come back but of course he didn't listen and left. But Elizabeth knew he would come back for Bella.
~Time skip after the wedding to the juicy part~
It's been a few weeks since the wedding. Bells was now a Cullen. Jacob came back. But Bella came home early from he honeymoon saying she was sick and felt something inside her. And it was clear Bella was pregnant even though it was impossible for vampires to procreate. Bella wasn't having a normal pregnancy which means she would give birth in a couple weeks. So while the Cullen's were out hunting Elizabeth went to Bellw bedroom at The Cullen house to et something when she heard noises coming from Edwards room. Curious she looked inside to see Edward and Tanya on of the Denali sisters doing the dirty. In complete shock she stood there and closed the door not making them notice. 'This isn't the firt time' Elizabeth thought. Edward couldn't read her thoughts. Elizabeth went to Bella and told her what happened and even showed her with her powers. Bella was heartbroken. Elizabeth had an idea and that was to leave Washington and go to New Orleans. Bella agreed and called Charlie letting him know and explaining what happened. Soon Elizabeth and Bella left the Cullen house after packing up their stuff quietly and leaving. Kol packed all of his stuff and Elizabeth's and was gonna meet them at the airport but there was one thing left to do. They drove to Jacob house and asked to speak with him and Billy the pack wasn't there at all they were at Sam's house. After telling Jacob what happened he was angry. He was paused at Edward for hurting his best friend and the fact she was pregnant with his child made it worse. "Jacob we are here to ask you if it's okay with Billy would you like to come to New Orleans with us" Bella asked. Jacob looked at his father who had a knowing look on what was going to happen. Jacob would imprint on Bella baby. "Jacob will go with you because I have a feeling he will imprint on you child Bella and I know it's something you wouldn't want but who else would protect you beside your sister" Billy asked. Bella thought about it and nodded. She was okay with it. Jacob agreed to go and packed his stuff as fast as he could with the help of Elizabeth while Bella sat with Billy. After packing Elizabeth put Jacobs stuff in the car and all three left the reservation and were on their way to the airport. Kol was there waiting and they go on the private jet that Kol had and flew to New Orleans. Bella felt like something was dianlly away from her shoulders.
~Time skip~
They finally made it to New Orleans. They got in a car and drove to the compound. Marcel and Klaus came to an agreement. Bella felt excited but a pull. As did Klaus. (Okay this may be to late to change but Hope is not the daughter of Klaus and Hayley she is the daughter of Elijah and Hayley). Elizabeth was pregnant as well but the day the baby would come was in a couple weeks maybe around the time Bella gives birth. As soon as they made it to the compound they grabbed their stuff and walked inside the house. "This is a huge house" Jacob said. Elizabeth giggled. "Get used to it this is where you are gonna live" Elizabeth said. Jacob chuckled. Soon all The Mikaelsons were there. "Hello everyone" Elizabeth said. Hope was the first one to move and ran to her uncle and aunt. "I missed you guys" Hope said. Elizabeth chuckled and smiled. "Everyone this is my sister Bella and my best friend Jacob. He is a shape shifter the son of Billy Black. Klaus you know him" Elizabeth said. Klaus nodded and looked at Bella in the eyes and instantly fell in love with her. Same with Bella. Everyone noticed and smiled. Knowing Klaus won't be alone and will have someone to love him. "But she had just divorced her husband because he was cheating and was pregnant with his child" Kol said. Rebekah, Hayley and Freya felt bad for her. "But I didn't want this baby to be his Lizzie" Bella said. "There is a way. If Bella has some sexual intercourse with someone then the baby genes change to the person she has sex with" Freya said. Everyone looked at Klaus. Even Jacob. Klaus nodded and stood up and walked to Bella. Bella smile at the walked to the bedroom they might have just met a couple of minutes ago but it feels like they know each other for a long time. The Mikaelsons smirked. They wouldn't be able to hear both Klaus and Bella because Freya had put a spell on the rooms to make sure no one could hear what the others were doing. Elizabeth helped Jacob get settled in the house and in his room. Jacob knew that Sam would be angry but Sam would have to talk to Billy.

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