Untitled Part 1

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Yn=your name

I slowly approached the wounded ghoul. He begs for his life as I raised my weapon. The gray streaks in my brown hair flow in the wind. I started getting gray last year, on my 24th birthday. For the past year I've felt my body start to weaken. Unfortunately the kind of species me and my brother are, the offspring of a human and a ghoul we burn out fast. I think it's because our human bodies aren't strong enough to hold our ghoul abilities. The ghouls blood splattered on my face as I plunged my quinque into him. I started walking away when I felt nauseous. I leaned over and vomited up a little bit of blood. Eto:" My my your not looking too good my one eyed queen." I stood up straight and wiped the blood off my chin. Yn:" What are you doing here Eto?" Eto:" I was hoping to make it here before you killed one of my favorite soldiers. " Yn:" Mr. Washu ordered either me or Arima to exterminate him. You know we dont have a choice. We can't let them get suspicious that me and Arima are working with you to exterminate V." Eto:" From the looks of it, you don't have that much time. You might pass before we meet our goal." Yn:" If I do you'll still have Arima." Eto:" Tell me does he know about your condition?" I clenched my teeth and turned my head away from her. Eto:" Thought so. You know doctor Kanou could help you." Yn:" I'm already barely human. Im not interested in becoming one of his experiments." Eto sighed. Eto:" You and your brother always so Damn difficult."

Seidou pov
I was trying my best to dodge yn's attacks. She started training me a year ago when I got transferred. I remember the first time I saw her. I was already so nervous to meet her and her brother Arima they had quite the reputation. My breath was taken by her beauty. I started blabbering like an idiot. Then she placed her hand on my shoulder and she gave me a gentle smile. Yn:" It's good to have you. I'll be looking forward to working with you." I don't know if she actually meant that. Or if  she just said that because she knew I was nervous. But that smile of hers I couldn't explain why but it was so warm it put me at ease. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a kick to my chest and I landed on my back. Yn straddled me and I felt her teeth wrap around the skin of my neck. Seidou:" What are you doing?!" She pulls away and laughed. Yn:" If I were a ghoul that would of hurt alot worse. Your dead." She made her way back to her feet and offered me her hand. I wrapped my hand around hers and made my way back to my feet. Yn:" You need to work harder in these training sessions. If you ever get sent into combat you won't last. That would be...ashame." Seidou:" Aw, you care about me." She blushed. Yn:" Of course I do. Your my friend and colleague. Same time tomorrow." I watched her walk away. Seidou:" ...A friend?"

Yn pov
I entered Arima's room he was at his desk looking over some paper work. I sat next to him. I noticed that he had that look. That look when he was just done. Mentally exhausted. Arima:" How long do you think it'll take to bring down V?" Yn:" Is that a serious question?" He didn't acknowledge my response. Yn:"Probably a decade. Sooner if we're lucky. They've been doing this for years. It's not going to be easy." He sighed and placed his face in his hands. His gray hair hung over his hands. Yn:" What's wrong onii chan?"

Arima pov
A flash went through me of when I killed Arata Kirishima. That was quite some time ago but that was one of the few kills that always haunts me. The look in his eyes they were so broken defeated hopeless. He just wanted to avenge his wife after I took her from him. The cries of their children seeing their parent get ripped away from them echoed. Arima:" I'm just tired of taking people's families from them. I never wanted this. A life where all I do is take." Yn placed her hand on mine. Yn:" I know. Neither of us did. Hopefully all the work we're doing with Eto will make progress to end this soon." Arima:" When that time finally comes who knows how much longer you and I will be around. We don't get to choose our fates. " I looked at my younger sister. She gave me a sad expression. Yn:" It doesn't seem like fate is ever on anyone's side." I ran my fingers through her hair. I frowned as I saw her gray streaks. Arima:" Your getting gray." I wrapped my arms around her. I know there's no hope for me. But I'm praying that by the time we take V down my sister will still have time to lead the life She always wanted. But as i see the grey in her hair it starts to make me lose hope for her as well. This was something that i didnt know how to protect her from. She slowly pulled away from me. My eyes widened as i saw blood drip out her nose. Arima:'' Your bleeding!" Yn:" What?" She wiped the blood from her nose with her hand. I shook my head. Arima:" Dont do that." I placed the tissues on her nostrils. Arima:"Are you feeling ok?" I said with worry in my voice. Yn:" I'm fine nosebleeds are common." Arima:" Has this been happening alot? " Yn:" No. Don't worry I'm fine."

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