Chapter 16

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

After all the members of Viper had been arrested and taken away we all headed home. I was thankful my plan had worked, maybe it went a little wrong, but not death wrong, so I took it as a win. 

"Were you worried?" Uncle Clint asks, as he comes and sits beside me on the sofa. 

I look up with a frown, wondering what he was on about, "worried about what?" I ask, voicing my thoughts. 

"When they were all coming towards you," he replies, his eyes serious. 

I think for a moment and shrug slightly, "I'm not sure. I think so, I knew you guys would be there, but I guess without my suit, and the mask, it made me feel more open and scared. Like maybe it's the suit that makes me stronger." 

Uncle Clint shakes his head slightly before saying, "you might think that. But you proved that you're just as strong, because when that gun was held to your head, you didn't panic, nor did you give up. Instead you fought back." 

I think for a moment and smile, "yeah, I guess you're right." 

Uncle Clint nods in satisfaction and turns on the TV while the others all came into the room. Everyone had gone off to shower when we got home, and I was the first to get down here, shortly after Uncle Clint did as well. 

Everyone greeted me with a smile before they all settled down as well. 

I looked over to the tv and sighed as I looked at what was on. It was the news and the footage from the fight that had happened was playing. It showed the gun being held at my head and then me dropping to the floor and kicking it out of his hand. 

Not to brag, but I looked pretty cool doing it. 

The reported went on to explain that it had been a setup, and showed footage of me leading them away. They said how I was brave to do it and they were all happy that my family and I were okay, which made me smile.

"I think we should go out to the cinema and then out for dinner as a celebration," dad calls out, catching everyone's attention.

I snort silently to myself and mumble, "celebrating not having a bounty on your head and a gang after you." 

Dad looks at me with a deadpan expression and I smile brightly at him while saying, "although I'm still down." 

Everyone else agrees and soon we're all going back to get ready for going out. 


Everyone was looking at us as we sat down at a table in a restaurant. 

The film had been good, thankfully no one really saw us or payed us any attention because the film was playing and it was dark when we arrived so no one could really see our faces. 

But now we were sat in the light, with people sat around us, whispering and taking photos while looking at us. It was annoying because I could hear all the clicks of the cameras and the whispers where rather loud for me. 

I could tell Uncle Bucky and Uncle Steve were getting annoyed as well as they could probably hear it all as well. 

Thankfully they finally stopped after my dad glared at them all and we all ordered food. 

I smiled at how normal and good this all felt, it was like everything was going back to normal. 

And everything would finally be alright. 


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