Chapter 2

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

The two hours passed by slower then I would have wanted, every minute I just began to feel worse and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball. Thankfully we didn't have to get a bus back as parents would come to pick us up. 

Avoiding Flash and mumbling a goodbye to a worried Ned I stumble my way to the tinted windows of the familiar SUV. This was what dad took as inconspicuous and for dropping me to and from school. 

Sliding into the back with shaky hands I mumble what I think is a greeting to my Uncle Happy before shutting my eyes against the cool window, trying to calm the heat that has began to rise over my body. 

"Kid are you okay? You're not looking too hot," Happy says, his voice sounding louder then ever as the car starts up. 

"M'fine," I whisper, not believing it myself. 

I can tell Happy gave me a look as to say he doesn't believe me but didn't say anything just started to drive back home. 

Keeping my eyes shut I try to ignore the smells assaulting my nose, one of the main ones being the fumes from all the cars around us, the smell of burning rubber and food from restaurants that we drive past. 

The constant noise of the car engine is hammering away at my skull and is making the headache ever more prominent. Car horns seem to be everywhere and all sound like a boat horn. The sound of the cars moving add to it all and even though there is no music playing in the car I can hear music from other cars, being many different songs all at once. 

Opening my eyes everything seems brighter, there's more colour everywhere and when I look at the seat in front of me, it feels as though my eyes zoom in on all the detail. I can see the delectate thread through it all and every seam. 

The fabric of my clothes feel as though it's rubbing against me and burning me with every small movement I make. 

"Pete, come on, we're home," I hear Happy say, cutting through all the sounds. 

Nodding wordlessly I fumble with the seatbelt before pushing the door open and practically falling out the car with my bag in hand. I can hear Happy say something but I don't really comprehend it as all I can really hear is the fast beat of my heart and the blood rushing through my skull. 

Stumbling through the reception I see some people send me worried looks but that doesn't stop me as I make my way to the private elevator and collapse into it. Happy comes into view but the doors are already sliding shut. 

'Mini-Stark, your heart rate is very quick, and your temperature has risen considerably from what it normally is. Would you like me to call for assistance?' FRIDAY asks. 

I wanted to reply, I wanted to say that no, I'm not okay and that my mind feels as though it's about to explode. 

But all I seem to muster is a nearly silent whimper before dark spots dance across my vision and I'm sliding down onto the floor. Welcoming the darkness as it takes the pain in my head and all the senses. 

-Tony's P.O.V- 

'Sir, Mini-Stark needs assistance in the elevator,' FRIDAY suddenly voices, cutting through the music of my lab. 

Frowning I drop what I was working and rush down to the common room, when I get there I see the elevator doors are just sliding open. My heart stops momentarily as I see Peter laying on the floor unconscious. 

"Shit, FRI call Bruce and have the med bay ready," I call out before rushing to Peter's side. 

She doesn't reply, but I know she's doing it. 

"Pete, can you hear me buddy?" I ask, taking his hand in mine, although he doesn't squeeze my hand back or move it at all as it stays lax in my hand.

Feeling his forehead I pull it back sharply at the heat radiating from him, and take in his pale complexation, "FRI, take us to the med bay and tell me what's wrong." 

The doors slip shut and we begin to move as she starts talking, 'Peter's heart rate is currently 240, and his temperature is 105.4°F which is lethal. I can't find anything to indicate the reason for this, but his organs are not shutting down from the temperature, although I recommend getting it lower along with his heart rate.' 

I stay silent as shock seeps into my bones, that- that temperature, he shouldn't- he shouldn't even be alive. What's happened. 

The doors open and I quickly scoop him into my arms and rush him into a room where Bruce is while FRIDAY relays the information to him. His eyes widen at all the news and he pushes me out the room before I can argue and begins to shout at people what to do. 

I slide down the wall opposite his room so I can still see what they're doing through the window. I know I need to tell Pepper, but she isn't even here, she's in Croatia for a meeting. 

But this is our son. 

"FRI, please tell Pepper what's happening and to get home now," I murmur, my mind swirling with thoughts. 


Pepper was on her way back when Bruce stepped out of the room, a frown on his face which makes me jump to my feet. 

I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off, "we were able to lower both his temperature and his heart rate. We were trying to work out what it could be that caused this and we took some blood samples. And Tony, his DNA; it's- well it's changed. Half his DNA is now a spider." 

I stand there in shock, wondering how that's even possible. But I push that all aside for the moment. 

"Is he- will he be okay?" 

"I hope so, but right now I can't be sure, this- this is something all new to me and Dr Cho, but he should be. He's waking up now if you want to come in," Bruce says, moving aside to allow me into the room. 

I rush into the room and see Peter in the bed, an oxygen mask on his face and cold packs around him. His eyes drift over to me and a sigh of relief falls from my lips. 

"Kiddo, you okay?" I ask, taking his hand in mine as I sit beside him. 

"Not really," he mumbles, making me frown. 

"Do you know what happened?" I ask, knowing I'll have to break the news to him. 

Peter shakes his head slightly, although looks pained doing so. "No, I just- everything was so loud, and it hurt."

I hum while holding his hand a little tighter, "I'm going to tell you something okay. But please don't freak out." 

He looks hesitant but nods. 

"Bruce took some blood, and your DNA, it's changed. It's mixed with one of a spider," I explain, watching his face closely. 

His eyes widen in shock and his heart rate spikes a little before realisation seems to over take his face. "Oh," he whispers, shocking me. 

I was about to ask him why he said that when he spoke again, "I was- I was bitten by a spider. At Oscorp, and it said- it said radioactive spiders. I didn't- I didn't mean to go in there dad I swear, I just fell into the room and it bit me."

I look at him in shock but nod, before telling FRIDAY to relay to information to Bruce. 


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