Chapter 8

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-Peter's P.O.V- 

"Come on then Pete, you ready to go?" Dad asks from outside my door. 

Today is the day of the press conference and to say I was worried would be an understatement, I had told Ned about it and he had, once again, freaked out and said he'll watch it. As apparently it's also going to be live broadcasted on a news channel. Oh joy. 

Looking in the mirror I nod a little in satisfaction.

I was wearing a black fitted suit, I had a black tie that had a small pin at the top with the Stark Industries logo, and cufflinks at the end of my sleeves with the same logo.

It was simple and classic but I liked it.

My hair was left as it is, just brushed back a little and made my hair seem a little fluffy and have more curls.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I call out before heading towards the door and opening to where I see dad stood there. 

He smiles when he sees me and ruffles my hair, making me scowl and try to fix it. I know I said I hadn't done anything much to it, but when he does that it'll definitely mess it up even more.

Dad nods his approval and I roll my eyes while walking down to the common room. 

Mum is there and when she sees me she pulls me into a tight, brief hug before pulling away and looking at me, "oh you look so handsome and grown up." 

"Thanks mum," I mumble, trying to push down the embarrassment. 

Dad comes forward and takes mums hand with a smile before looking at his watch, sighing he says, "we better go, it was meant to start five minutes ago, and it's a ten minute drive." 

Chuckling a little I follow after them, trying to stem the worry and whisper, "Stark tradition."


The first thing I notice is how loud it is, I wince a little and step back trying to get away from the sounds. Mum and dad were already walking onto stage to introduce me and I was left in the back with Uncle Happy. 

He places a steadying hand on my shoulder and when I look up at him I see a worried frown on his face. 

"You alright kid?" He asks. 

Nodding slightly I say, "yeah it's just- it's just loud." 

He frowns a little, and looks like he's about to comment but instead stays silent, just keeping a steadying hand on my shoulder. 

Deciding to listen in to what mum and dad are saying I ignore how loud it is- or try my best to- and focus on the familiar voices. 

"I know there have been many rumours going around that I have a son, and I am here today to speak about it," I hear dad say, he pauses as more shouts and questions are asked, I flinch a little at how loud it is but keep listening. 

Everyone falls silent after a few seconds and he continues, "the truth is, Pepper and I do, in fact have a child. He was born fifteen years ago on August 10th, and he is the light of our lives, not only that, he is now also the heir of Stark Industries." 

A roar of sound comes from the crowd and I can see the flashing of all the cameras going off, making me shudder a little. It takes again a few seconds for a hush to fall over the crowd, but I can still cleary hear murmurs of questions. 

'What's his name?' 

'What does he look like?' 

'How did they keep this a secret so long?' 

The life of a Stark Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora