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-Third Person P.O.V- 

Seven years had passed and Peter was now twenty-two. Tony had stepped down from his role in Stark industries, and therefore it was now Peter's turn. 

Peter was still Spiderman and his identity was still a secret to the world. Aside from Ned, his best friend, and MJ his fiance. And, of course, his family. 

"You ready for this dude?" Ned asks, standing beside Peter who was fixing his cufflinks. 

Peter nods, albeit a little nervously "yeah, I can do this." 

Ned pats his back and Peter walks onto the stage. 

"Good morning, thank you all for attending this conference," Peter calls out, making everyone fall silent. 

Peter looked over the crowd, catching his family all in the back. His dad smiled and gave him an encouraging smile. 

"As you all know, I've now taken over from my father as owner of Stark Industries. I've decided I will not be changing anything about how it's run, nor will I be changing what is made. I feel as though my father had a very good system running and I would like to keep it that way," Peter voices. 

People start to call out questions, but Peter looks back at his family. 

His whole family have been seen as heroes, his dad was the owner of Stark Industries, and Iron man. 

Peter was now the owner of Stark industries, and Spiderman. 

He held up a hand to silence everyone while looking off to the side to look at MJ. She gave him a smile and reassuring nod, seeming to understand where his mind was going. 

They became real friends after the dealers, and she soon worked out who he was, and over time they grew closer and began dating. Then a year ago, Peter popped the big question. 

"I take it you all know who Spiderman is," he asked, making everyone nod and ask more questions, wondering what this had to do with him. 

He looked at his family once more who were all smiling and trying to hide their laughs. 

Once again, Peter silenced the crowd. 

He took a deep breath before saying, "the truth is. I am Spiderman." 

When the words left his mouth people were off their seats, cameras and shouts coming from everywhere. He looked at his family and saw his dad laughing, and his mum rolling her eyes in fond amusement.

He ignored all the questions and shouts, thankful he was wearing ear pieces to block out the sounds and contacts to block the lights. He walked off the stage and to MJ while pulling her into a tight hug. 

"Good job loser," she whispered, before kissing his lips softly. 

He kisses back and pulls away a little before whispering, "what can I say. I do try."


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