But that's what she's known for.

Bols: Is everyone ready? Let's return only good reports to the commander.

Run: How should we go at it? Surprised attacks? Traps?

Seryu: No. We charge straight in. Justice should always be direct.

Run: Then lets show those bandits the power of the Jaegers!

The bandits seen the Jaegers coming forward, so they all pulled out their weapons ready for combat in defense.

Bandit: You think you can just come up here and infiltrate our-

Wave ran over and punched the bandit in the face before he could finish talking. Then all of the other members started attacking. Seryu used Koro as assistance and blew up a lot of bandits with her justice cannon and Koro had him a nighttime meal of the crew. Run used his wings to shoot feathers down at the men trying to escape. Bols rushed into their territory and burned most of the crew alive. Kurome sliced more soldiers and turned them into puppets.

Kurome: You guys can now be my little puppets. We'll have so much fun together.

One soldier snuck up behind Kurome and aimed his sword at her, but Wave appeared and kicked him away.

Wave: Hey. Don't thank me for saving your ass. We're a team.

Kurome: I already knew he was there, but thanks.

Wave: Aw, c'mon!

It only took a few minutes to kill the rest of the bandits lurking at night. They all got the job done. Esdeath was left impressed and Tatsumi was already aware of that.

The Jaegers finally arrived back to the castle. Kurome hurried over to the nursery, but Dr Stylish was standing outside of the room with his arms crossed.

Dr Stylish: Hey, Kurome darling. How was the late night charade?

Kurome: It was good. How's (YN) doing?

Dr Stylish: Ohh. I'm afraid to tell you, but he's not doing so well.

Kurome: What?!!

Dr Stylish: That new recruit did a number of damage on him. His entire jaw was severely broken, so I had to remove that whole bone from him. Right now I'm doing an experiment on him to see if something works.

Kurome: Well, can I see him?!

Dr Stylish: I'm afraid not. His wound is too horrifying. He has a jaw brace on. It could take up 5-7 days before you can see him again. It'll take only day-to-day, so just relax.

Five to seven days to see (YN) again. To anyone else that's a short time. To Kurome, that felt like weeks. For her not to see her friend for that many days is really painful in her eyes. Dr Stylish is probably one of the best people when it comes to knowing injuries. If he says there's a serious injury, then it's no joke. Kurome thought to herself as she sat on her bed. Wave saw the worry on her face when he turned to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gently brought her in closer.

Wave: Everything's gonna be alright. He isn't dying, so that's a relief.

Kurome: I don't care if he isn't dying. I just want him to be okay.

Wave: I know. Don't dwell on it, though. It's getting late. We have to get up early tomorrow. The commander want us to go on that danger beast mission.

Kurome: Hm.

Wave and Kurome got beside each other in bed and turned off the lamp.

Kurome: Goodnight. I love you, Wave.

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