14: Night time Questions

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Hello my little feathers! I have come back with another chapter in a long while!

How has 2021 been treating you all?

This chapter is a little shorter and mostly filler as we progress into the month of October. Everybody please welcome Tom's POV!


Tom strode down the halls of the castle, his perfectly shined shoes noiseless as the moonlight streaming from the windows cast an imposing shadow of his profile upon the walls he passed. His eyes darted around reflexively, movement smooth purely due to being ingrained into muscle memory. He stopped at a fork, looking to the right and the left before choosing the latter, walking briskly along it.

He rarely had to think about his patrols now. He knew this castle like the back of his hand, creeping about it whenever he could, finding its secrets. But then again, it was a big castle and he was only fifteen. He had plenty of time to discover all that Hogwarts had to give.

However, his thoughts hadn't moved to his goal. They had instead gone the other way as they seemed to do a whole lot nowadays. Tom wasn't happy about it.

Lately, his mind had taken to thinking about one person, as if that was more important than deciphering what he really needed to succeed in his plans.

Rose Revel.

An acrid taste glazed his tongue at the bare mention of her. It coated thick in his throat and he had to swallow to contain the irritation that rose up in him.

She was becoming an increasingly familiar and annoying presence at Hogwarts, and especially bothersome if she continued to plague him like this.

He remembered meeting her, setting his eyes on her in Cole's office. He had been confused admittedly. He had been summoned and he never got called anymore for anything. His hold on his magic was superb and even when he did do magic, he made sure to cover his tracks well – no muggle or wizard would be able to detect a whiff of it.

But he had walked down, looking at the girl with hidden disdain.

A normal, average girl of fifteen...what could be so important that he had to be called for this?

It was then that his eyes had landed on the older wizard next to her and his back had stiffened. Earlier disdain faded into anger but he was careful not to glare. No point in making anyone else aware of the frostiness between himself and the man who had taken him to school. He was sure nobody would bother, but in these times, he couldn't risk people asking questions.

If he was here, then the girl would have to be a witch...

And he was right...

Dumbledore had personally taken him out to have a conversation about Rose Revel. Her story seemed straightforward enough; parents killed in the war, an orphan who now needed to come to Hogwarts to complete her education.

He hadn't understood why she needed to be homeschooled. He was bound to think of many reasons, but perhaps the simplest was the truth.

Her parents might have been the kind who thought their precious snowflake was the most special thing to walk the earth and couldn't bear to part from her. He snorted from sheer disgust.

Of course, she had surprised him.

For one, she was afraid of him. She curled up and her eyes darted around when he was around, almost as if she looked for places to hide. Her hand withdrew into her pockets when he drew closer, and he had a shrewd suspicion she grasped her wand.

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