Chapter 4

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3rd person's pov

After Ameah left, everybody had different reactions. Skull started to talk to himself. Ethen was looking around. Shade was the only one who seemed calm.
"There's no way we'll kill each other right?" Mango asked. Nobody answered.
"We should meet up tomorrow to find a way to escape" Ethan said, trying to be optimistic.
Monobot appeared behind him. "You can't, Master had made this mansion specially built. There are no exits." The robot said.
"Who's Master?" Skye asked. She looked a little bit worned out. It must have been from using her medallion.
"I can't answer that" Monobot said before disappearing again.
"We should look at the rulesbook alone" Adam said. "We can't do much today. Almost everybody is too tired"
"I guess your right" Sam said. "I'm going to my room"
One by one, they left the dining room, leaving Taylor's body there.

Ameah's pov

I looked at the rulebook which was on a phone.

1. You can't kill more than 2 people.

I shuddered. Why would we want to kill more than one person? It doesn't make sense.

2. No attacking Monobot. Any attempts will be punished by death.

I guess that explains why Taylor died.

3. Your room is a safe zone. Nobody other than you can enter it.

I guess that's a good thing. I don't have to worry about being killed in my sleep. Those were the 3 main rules. I turned the page on the phone and it just showed minor rules and guidelines.
Something stood out to me though. There was a medallion section.

Based on what your personality is, you will have powers with the exception of Adam and Raye. This rulebook is Ameah's. Your main power is telekinesis but also minor ones like super strength and making fire.
It noted other things but the most important part was at the end.

'Do not let others read your rulesbook.' It said. That seemed easy enough. I put the phone under my pillow and went to bed.

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