Chapter 3

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A/N: In the media is what Bubble/Ameah looks like.

Ameah's Pov

I was drowsy as I woke up. It felt like someone drugged me.

'Where am I?' I asked myself. The last thing I remembered was going to a camp.

I looked around, I was in a room with black walls. There were random messy red stripes on it, making it seemed rushed. The carpet was burgandy and it was a decent size room.

I put my hands in my pockets to see if I had anything. I felt something cold and metalic. I took it out. It was a silver medallion. A dragon was carved into it. A note was taped to it.

"Put this on when you wake up. It enables you to have powers based on your personality. Make sure to arrive at the dining hall by 8:15

I put on the medallion and looked for a clock in the room. It was next to the wall near the door. The clock said 8:30. I immediately ran out the door and searched for the dining room.

Sooner or later, I found double doors with 'Dining Room' engraved on the wall above it. I walked in and found 14 people talking, although one was pannicking. They noticed me once I walked through door.

"The last one is here" A boy with white hair said. The person who was panicking was a girl with a yellow hoodie.

"Calm down" A girl with long brown hair said. She had a green cloak on, covering her eyes.

"We should introduce ourselves" The same girl said.

"I know a faster way" A girl with black hair said. She had a black shirt with a yellow lightning on it. The girl's medallion glowed. Words that looked like names and pictures beside them flashed in my head. This was the order:

Ameah-Dragon/Vampire-SNDRL: Physic
Ethen-Sorcerer-SNDRL: Mage
Shade-Sorcercer/Neko-SNDRL: Thief
Mangokiwi-Fluttershy hybrid- SNDRL: Fighter
Skye-Fairy-SNDRL: Parkourist
Jordan-Dragon-SNDR: Archer
Sam-Wolf-SNDRL: Enchanter
Adam-Human-SNDRL: Musician
Skull-Vampire-SNDRL: Runner
Seto-Sorcerer-SNDRL: Sorcerer
Bella-Angel-SNDRL: Coucinler
Isaiah-Wolf-SNDRL: Survivor
Raye-Human-SNDRL: Scientist
Taylor-Elemental-SNDRL: Builder
Thana-Wolf/Angel-SNDRL: Tamer
"How did you do it?" The girl I now know as Shade asked.

"Simple, Skye used her powers" Raye said. "Almost all of us have medallions" I looked around and saw Raye and Adam didn't have one.

"I have things to do" Skull said. He held his medallion in his hand. "What things?" Thana asked. "I have to find out who killed my sister. Although I can't really remember what had happen, I know she was killed." Skull answered. For some reason, I felt guilty. I shook off the feeling and stayed silent.

The lights suddenly dimmed and a robot appeared. The steel was black on the left and white on the right.

"I am Monobot" The robot said. It continued "As you know, you all have received an invitation to this camp. Master asked you to burn the invitations once you were done. You were invited here for a reason. Before I get started, I heard from Skull that his sister was killed. The person who killed her is here right now"

"What?" Skull asked shocked. His face quickly turned into one full of hate.

"The only way to escape to kill someone and not get caught" Monobot said. Surprisingly everyone stayed silent. "You can do it however you want. Burn, freeze, drown, use your powers, anything you want really. After each murder you will have 2 hours to gather evidence and then we will hold a trial. If you guess right, the murderer will get exucuted." "And if we guess wrong?" Ethan asked. "Everyone except the murderer will be killed" Monobot answered.

The room didn't stay silent for long. Everybody started to talk. It was hard to understand anybody.

"Be quiet!" Monbot yelled after a few minutes. Immediately the room was silent. "Does anyone have any questions?"

" I do, what are these medallions for?" I asked. "They contain your powers based on your personality. The only exceptions are Raye and Adam" Monobot said.

"Why?" Skye asked.

"I can't answer that" Monobot glanced at all of us, his eyes lingering on me. I couldn't figure out why.

"I'm not doing this!" Taylor shouted. Adam and Ethan backed away from her. Her medallion was glowing and the temperature was getting lower. Monobot noticed this and smirked. "First death" it mumbled as the floor under Taylor sprung up, hitting the ceiling. The floor went down and I gasped in horror as I saw what was left of Taylor.

"Will that be cleaned up?" Thana whispered terrified.

"After hours." Monobot said. A phone appeared in front of me. "These are your rulebooks. 10 pm through 8 am is when the lights are off. Therefore after hours" Monobot said before disappearing.

"I'm going to my room" I said leaving the dining hall with the phone. I didn't want to stay there longer than I had to especially with Taylor's body there.

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