E Pluribus Unum

586 14 35

We were all sitting down. We were talking about random things, well Will and I weren't. We just sat there. Will was still eating Skittles and I had my head on his shoulder.

I can feel Will look up. I look up a Will, then what he's looking at. I take my head off of his shoulder and watch the lights as they start to flicker. We both stand up, keeping our eyes on the lights.

I look at the rest of them sitting down. I wave my hand to get their attention. They look up at Will and I. They then notice the lights. They shoot up out of their chairs. We're all now looking at the lights.

I see Will put his hand on his neck, and look around. His breath becomes shakey and his hands shaking.

"He's here." Will says.

I look down the hall and start walking. They all stare at me, not knowing to come on. I gesture my hand for them to come on. They all start walking with me.

"Hey, hey, hey! Two at a time!" The receptionist yells. But we just ignore her and walk past her.

We walk until we see the elevator. Mike starts to press the button multiple times, but it's taking to long.

"Stairs." Mike says.

We run to the stairs and run up them till we're on the right floor. Well, we don't really know if we're on the right floor, but we'll see.

We were right. We start running down the hall, finding Jonathan beating in the door with a canister trying to get to Nancy. We can hear Nancy's whimpers and the The Mind Flayer's roaring, inside.

We all watches El concentrates on the door. The door flys into the room. The Mind Flayer looks at us and roars loudly.

El sticks out her arm and throws The Mind Flayer to the right side of the room. Then the left. Next up. Finally, back on the hospital floor. She stops for a second, then throws him/her out of the window. (We aren't assuming genders here)

"Go." Eleven says, to Jonathan. Nancy sits there in shock and fear. Jonathan runs to Nancy to check on her.

"Nancy! Are you okay? Are you okay?" Jonathan asks, helping Nancy up.

El starts to walk out of the room. We all follower her, which makes us end up outside. We see The Mind Flayer, but in more of a goop form. It starts to slide itself down into the sewers.

(Time Skip)

El was in her room, trying to find Billy and The Mind Flayer. She has been in there for a little while, which is causing Mike to lose his shit.

Will still won't let me go. He wants me to be by his side every second. I'm not complaining but he's becoming clingy. And I get that he's just being protective but he needs to calm down. I was leaned up against the counter and Will sitting in a chair.

"Aw. It's still cute how he's clinging onto you, cause he doesn't want anything to happen to you." Max says, smiling. I just shake my head. Will puts his head down, turning crimson.

"Yeah." Lucas says, making kissy faces and noises.

"Shut up, please. You don't want me to make a casket reservation for you too, do you? I ask. He furrows his eyes brow and looks at me confused.

"Nothing." I say.

"It can't be good for her to be in there for this long." Mike complains.

"Mike, you need to relax." Max says.

"What if she gets brain damage or something?" Mike asks. Idiot.

"Oh, shit. Is that, like, a real thing?" Lucas says. He's eating Honey Smacks, right out of the box

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