The Case of the Missing Lifeguard

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~On the Way~

"So, how are you going to sneak out?" Max asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe out of the window?" I said.

"Okay. What time do you want us to meet you and take you to El's?" Max asks, as El was busy with her ice cream.

"About 6:00." I say to Max.

~5:30 and at Home~

I got some clothes and things packed for tonight. I open my window and see the girls there. Wow, their quick.

I climb out of the window and jumped down. I don't know how I did it but, I did.

I ran, grabbed my bike, and started speeding off with the girls.

We arrived at El's and we went in. We went to her room and started to open chips and started reading magazines.

"Okay, I have something important to tell you." I say, sitting up on El's bed. They all sat on the bed and looked at me. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, only Will knows this." I say. I had a blindfold in my pocket, just in case the didn't believe me.

"Ooh. Something only Will knows. It might be special." Max says, nudging El, making El laugh.

"It is." I say.

"Well hurry and tell us." El says, eagerly.

"I have superpowers." I say. They both look at each other and start laughing.

"Funny joke." Max says, catching her breath with El.

"Do you not believe me?" I ask. They both nodded their head.

"Prove it, then." Max said, with El nodding her head in agreement.

"Okay, think of something." I say, slowly. Max starts to think.

"Okay." She says. I focus and go into her head. Blood starts to trickle down from my nose.

"If you are saying this, then you have superpowers." I say. Max looks at El with a shocked face. Max starts shaking her head.

"Wait, really?" El asks. I nod my head.

"Do me. Just to make sure it's not a prank." El says.

"No. El, no. Pickles don't belong on pizza." I say. Her jaw drops.

"Oh my gosh. It's true!" She says.

"Wait any other ones?" Max asked eagerly. I nod my head.

"Show us!" They both say in unison. I nod and wipe the previous blood.

I reach my hand out and the radio starts to come towards me. It's falls into my lap and I use my mind to turn it on. I then just set the radio on the bed. When I use my Telekinesis, it glows a random color. Like energy balls but not really.

They look at me with shock written all over their face.

"Telekinesis and Telepathy!" El screams. She starts to bounce on the bed. Max calms her downs.

"I don't want the rest of The Party knowing. I want to tell them at the right time. So don't say anything about it." I say, giving strict instructions. They nod.

"There's more." I say. Their mouths hang open as I say that.

"Somebody stand up." I say, and Max stands up. I move El beside me. I cross my arms and my nose starts to bleed.

"Stick your hand out." I say. Max sticks her and out and touches it. It shows a light purple color. She couldn't get through it when she tried.

"So, force fields. And does anyone know about elements?" I say. The look at each other and shrug.

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