Chapter 10

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Third Person POV

"Stop the car, please," Gun asked Berkah.

"Why?" Berkah asked, taking his foot off the gas pedal.

"Let's give him a ride back to the villa," Gun suggested.

"But he has his own car," Berkah protested. "He can drive himself back to the villa."

"Stop the car now," Gun insisted. "I will drive him back myself in his own car if you refuse to give him a ride."

Berkah sighed.

"Very well," Berkah sighed, pulling over to the curb and letting Gun out of the SUV.

As Gun jumped out of the SUV Berkah thought that if Mark was limping then he probably would need someone to drive him back to the villa, so Gun had made a good decision.

Mark's POV

I was thankful that the doctor's clinic had its own pharmacy within the building so I was able to get my prescription pain pills and muscle relaxant pills without having to drive to another part of town just to pick them up.

I stepped out of the clinic building, blinking several times because the sun was too bright even for my super dark UV protection sunglasses.

I limped slowly toward the parking lot, grimacing in pain because each step sent a sharp piercing pain upward from my ankle to the back of my left leg.


I turned around to see who was calling my name.

"Gun???" I couldn't believe my eyes. I had to take off my sunglasses from my face to make sure that I was not mistaken in thinking that it was him.

When he reached me, he said, "Put your arm on my shoulder. I will help you walk to your car."

I did as he instructed.

My heart skipped a beat when I felt him take hold of my hand that was hanging from his shoulder and I felt his arm go around my waist.

"Put your weight only on your good leg," he said as he propped up the rest of my weight with his arm around my waist.

Soon we reached my car.

He held out his hand to me.

I took out my wallet from my pocket and handed him some bills.

He did not take the bills. Instead he gave me a painful flick on my forehead.

"I wasn't asking you to pay me for helping you reach your car," he said, looking very much offended. "I'm waiting for you to hand me your car key so that I can drive you back to the villa. Just guide me because I am not yet too familiar with the streets. This is my first time to go to town with Berkah so I have not yet memorized the route."

"How did you know where to find me?" I asked.

"I wasn't looking for you," he said.

Ouch, I wanted to say but kept my mouth shut instead.

"Berkah and I were on our way back to the villa after we finished purchasing the supplies we needed for the villa. We were passing this building when I happened to see you step out of it. When I saw that you were limping, I asked Berkah to stop and let me out of the SUV so that I could drive you back to the villa," he explained.

"How do you know that I'm not capable of driving myself back to the villa?" I decided to play hard to get.

I immediately regretted it of course, because suddenly Gun spun around and started walking away from me.

"Wait!!! Wait, please, Gun!" I cried out, hopping on my good leg to go after him.

Thankfully he stopped and turned around.

"Do you need me or not?" he asked with a serious face.

I almost blurted out "You don't know just how much I need you by my side twenty fours a day" but I was able to bite my tongue just in time.

"I need you, Gun," I said, almost in a whisper. "I need you badly."

I fished out my car key from my pocket and extended to him the hand that was holding it.

After a moment's pause, he walked back toward me and without a word took the car key from me. I said a silent prayer of thanks to the heavens.

Once more he placed his arm around my waist while I placed my arm on his shoulder as he helped me walk to the passenger side of the car.

He pressed the key to unlock the door and pulled open the door of the front passenger seat. He helped me to settle into it. My heart was beating faster than usual when he bent very close to me to buckle me up. I was so tempted to grab his neck and kiss him endlessly.

After he made sure that I was safely buckled up, he walked around to the driver's side and started the car.

"Be my GPS," he said as he slowly maneuvered the car out of the parking lot.

"I can be more than that," I muttered under my breath.

I lurched forward almost bumping my forehead against the windshield as Gun stepped sharply on the brakes.

Shit, his hearing is too sharp. I must be careful what I say when he's around.

He turned to me with a frown.

"I heard clearly what you said under your breath," he said coldly. "Don't fool around with me. I am not a plaything just because I am your father's employee."

It was my turn to fix him a serious stare.

"I do not consider you a plaything," I said seriously, although not in a cold tone of voice. "And I am not fooling around with you. Never have."

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