Chapter 12

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For those of you who are confused after Justin died he went to heaven and became Jesus and when Zayn threw Liam into the tree Liam died and went to heaven and became god and also Zayn's the devil.

I look up at Louis and say "Louis?" And he says "Harry you remember me!!" And I say "Yeah of course I do." And Louis looks at Liam and says "Watch him while I go beat something." And Liam nods and picks me up so I bite him then start crying as I watch Louis walk out of the room.
Then I turn to Liam and pull out my dagger and say "Liam James Payne put me down." And he sets me down and I walk up to him and stab him in the leg then I spread my wings fly up so I'm level with him and then stab him in the chest then I pull the dagger out and plunge it into his heart and then I take the dagger out and slit his throat and I see the color from his eyes fade and he collapses.
I walk out of the throne room and just as I do I hear Harry start crying and so I keep walking until I reach Niall's room so I walk in and see Zayn with a little boy next to him so I say "Zayn what is this?" And Zayn says "Oh just changing everything you love and care about." And then he walks out of the room and then walks back in with Harry in his arms and I say "What are you going to do?" And Zayn says "I'm going to kill Niall and Harry while you watch but first get them to do something bad." And I say "Like that'll ever happen." And Zayn says "Harry is there anything bad you've done that you wanna tell me?" And Harry says "Well there is this one thing." And then Harry leads in and whispers it into Zayn's ear.
And Zayn says "Nice job Hazza." And Harry says "Thanks DJ Malik." And then Niall says "Party time!!" And then Zayn says "All day all night DJ Malik DJ Malik DJ Malik!!" And then Zayn says "Anyways back to the present Harry come here please." And Harry walks up to Zayn and I then notice the rope around Harrys neck and the hole in the floor where Harrys walking to so I quickly pick Harry up and take the rope off his neck and then I set him on the bed only to be met with a angry Zayn who says "If I can't kill Harry then I'll just have to kill you instead." And I look at Harry and see him crying while looking at me with a longing look in his eyes.

Through The Dark Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now