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    "Please~ I will be careful. There will be Sungchan as doctor of psychology too. Oh! And  Taeil! As surgeon specialist. They will protect me. Please~" She tried to persuade her family.

     "I'm sure Johnny also can't allow you to apply it." Her mother, Song Yeonji sighed while rubbing her temple.
     "We can just try? Awh~ Mom~ Please~ I promise I'll call you every week. Johnny oppa, please persuade  mom too. Isn't Taeil your best friend? I'm sure he'll tell you everything if anything happens to me." She tried convince her brother, Seo Youngho.
     "Just let her be,mom. If anything happens to her,I as her brother would drag her out of the hospital and lock her up." Johnny sighed.

     "Seo Yunhye! Make sure you call us every week. If you're late calling us, I'll come there myself and embarrass you there by giving you kisses and hugs as a father." His father, Seo Yubin suddenly speaks after a long silence.

     " Oh my god! I love you guys!! Thank you dad! Thank you mom! Thank you oppa!" Yunhye gives her hug.

     Yunhye quickly run to the upstairs and sent her application to be an intern in a government hospital.

Skip for another week.

      "Warghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!I was accepted as trainee at there!" Yunhye runs to the kitchen.

       "Wah, I didn't think they would accept a girl like you. " Johnny jokingly rolled his eyes. "What?! Like me? Like what? You! Ergh, your attitude is so ergh!" She madly smacked his arm.

     "Ow! Mom!" Johnny whining to Yeonji. "Kiddo!" She stick out her tongue to tease him. "Hey! Stop it. Why are you fights in front of the meals? Let's dinner." Yeonji served the rice and continue." Yunhye, when will they ask you to go to work?"

     "After tomorrow. I will pack my bags to sleep there. They told me that they did provide dormitories for the trainees. " Yunhye excitedly states while munching her foods. "That's great! Your mom will help you later. If you want me to buy anything, just tell me." Yubin sweetly patted her head.

      " Thanks dad. I think nothing's much. It's enough for now." Yunhye hold his hand. "Okay then."

Yunhye's pov.

      It's already 3 in the morning. But, Yunhye needs to buy some snack to bring there. 'I don't want to wake Johnny up. He must.  Just fell asleep because he played games with his friends until midnight. Looks like I have to go buy it myself.' Yunhye sighed.

      She slowly open her house door from don't making any sounds. After she success for doing that, she happily skipped her feet on the road. " I love this. The night air, the surrounding, the green trees, the moon and the stars. It's more perfect if this resident don't have murder that is a scare to people who want to go out at midnight like this." Her faces slowly turn to frown.

      The bell from convenience store makes the worker alert. "Welcome~" she smiles sweetly. "Hai." Yunhye is greeting her back.

      She found her favourite chips but it placed at the high reaches. "Why the workers put it at there? Can't they know that I'm only 162?" She hopping a bit to reach it. A hands appears to reach it. Well, if you thinks that this is like a drama like a boy comes to her and reach it for her sorry, no! He reaches it then left her there with her mouth opened in surprised. She sighed then she tugged his sleeves.

    "Excuse me?" She mannerly greets and he turned to her with his bored eyes. "What?" He spat. " Can you help me? Please reach that for me?" She blinked her eyes. "There is another type of chips that more lower than that don't bother yourself to take the high if you know you are short." He shoves her hands violently.

     "But, I only like that one." She mumbles and picking for another chips. He sighed and reach it for her. "Four! Oh, i mean i want it four please." She excitedly clasped her hands and sending him her smiles. "Lucky to you that my time to kill people is not arrived yet. Take this." He threw it to her. "Thank you!"

    After she pays it, she happily walks while munching her chips. It's already 3:45. "It's time for kill people." He sighed and swirled his knife around his finger.

     "Argh! Anybody, help me!" Some woman is shouting makes Yunhye startled. She tried to search the source of that voice comes. She slowly walks to the dark alley. 'Here? I think that voice comes from here. Should i call her? But, what if that murderer hear me?'. She walked deeper and stopped by someone is crushing her shoulder.

     "Ow, sorry." She sat up after being hit on the shoulder. "Please keep your eyes open if you don't want to get kill like her." He scoffed. "Hey! I'm already ask for a sorry, right? It's your fault too. Why are you being so meany? I even sat down because I was violated by you." She furrowed her eyebrows.

     "It's look like you don't know who am i? I'm Park Jisung, the murderer, dear. Are you wish to die like that stupid woman? Oh! I really like to do that. Should i?" He evilly laughs makes Yunhye quickly stood up.

      "I'm sorry." Yunhye smiles to avoid the scary situation. She quickly search her phone and call his brother but she left her phone on call to let his brother knows that she is facing the danger.

      She tried to use her profession as a psychologist. "Park Jisung?" She softly call his name. "What?"

     "Are you sure that Jisung kill her? Not the other people?" She trying to triggered his internal. "N-no. I mean yes." His eyes is quivering.

     "Then why Jisung kill her? Is it she trying to hurt you?" She trying to collect the information. "She don't want to give me her money. I want a money to buy a drink. I'm thirsty."

     "Hye-ah!" Johnny runs to her. "Your friend?" Johnny pants a bit. "Oh, yeah. He is my friend, Park Jisung. Jisung, this is my brother, Seo Johnny." She smiles sweetly.

    "I'll go home first." Jisung turned his body to run from there but his hand got held by Yunhye. "Wait." He turned his face to her. She uses her other hand to rummage her bag and give him a money.

    "Here. You said that you're thirsty. I don't know how much water that you want to buy but at least you get a drink." She is smiling while talking. "Thank you." He takes the money and running from there.



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