Start from the beginning

Keith: "Sorry Sir! I- I had to go to the office an- and-"

Teacher: "it's alright Keith..please sit down." He sat down in the middle row quickly and put down his backpack. He annoys me to be honest..him and his stupid red hat and blue hair. And The way he sits with his shoulders up and his back arched sitting straight up. The way he bits his pencil when hes trying to think...and the way how my teacher is calling my name...wait- THE TEACHER IS CALLING MY NAME!

Pico: "oh- shit..sorry I'm right here" I said quickly looking away from Keith and throwing my hand in the air. What the hell was that?? Why the hell was I looking at him for so long that I forgot I was in class. Whatever- stupid fucking idiot distracting me.

Class ended and I went to the next and the next..next..next..until lunch break. I sat down with my friends and talked about unter bullshit.

Nene: "Guys I failed my Math test with a 45- that's the best grade I've got in a while!"

Everyone except Pico: "Same"

Pico: "I haven't taken my math test yet- that's my next class.."

Darrell: "ohhh boy. Yo ass is screwed- if I didn't know shit on that test then hell. You aint gonna know the first question! Hah!"

Pico: "yeah I guess your right-..shit..I'm gonna fail..my mom is gonna flip if I get lower than a 45!"


Marisa: "Haha! Dosen't that smart kid sit infront of you? Just copy off him babe"

Pico: "You mean Keith???"

Cage: "yeah Keith- just copy off him. He ain't gonna do nothing about it."

Pico: "...yeah I guess your righ-"


Pico: "gotta go- see yah" I got up from the lunch table and walked to my math class and as soon as I walk in I see him. Keith. Sitting at his desk talking to the boy beside him..punk- or Pump (pumpkin from spookezz) whatever the hell his fucking name is. I sit behind keith and lay my head down wait for the teacher. When the teacher walks in she hands out the test- I look at it and I have no idea why the fuck is on it. I look in at Keith infront of me and I can see hes biting his pencil eraser..he must be thinking of the answer. His fluffy blue hair..I just wanna run my fingers through his hair while kissing him all ove- wait. What the fuck am I thinking?!I look down and rush through my test red face embarrassed from thinking such thoughts while hes right infront of me. Even though he couldn't hear me. I didn't even bother copying him...I didn't want to look at him.

End of the class and the bell rings. I get up to leave and right before I walk out her door step she calls me.

Mrs.K: "Pico..could you please stay a while?" She looked conserd..

Pico: "uh..y-yeah sure.." I said walking back into class closing the door behind me. I sat infront of her desk- I looked down..my hands are shaking..

Mrs.K: "Pico..your a great kid..but I'm worried about these grades Pico..You got a 15 on the math test today- and it looks like you rushed through it..I'm worried you won't graduate this year..theres no summer school to save you this time.." she sounded like she was very worried..I like Mrs.K..she actually cares about me unlike a lot if people.

Pico: "I'm sorry..I'll-..I'll try and get them up I'm sorry-" I said looking down at my shaking hands.

Mrs.K: "it's okay Pico, dont get so down on yourself kiddo..I'll call the library and tell them to pick out books for you about the next up coming test. You can go pick them up whenever you like after school, okay?"

Pico: "Yeah..yeah okay, Thankyou Mrs. K.." I said getting up from my seat and putting my backpack back on.

Mrs.K: "Your welcome Pico..have a nice day" I quickly got out of the class and walked to the front of the school yard. I see my friends waiting for me by the bike/ skateboard rack.

Darrell: "Ayo! Pick! How did the test go man? Did you copy that blue haired boy?"

Pico: "His name is Keith. And no..I didn't.."

Cage: "why not?? I thought your plan was to copy him.."

Pico: "it was!..but..idk I just..I just rushed through the test I was tired and I didn't wanna look at that freak."

Darrell: "soo..what grade did ya' get?"

Pico: "...*sigh*...15%.."

Nene: "...and yall said I had a shity grade."

Everyone exept Pico: "NENE!"

Nene: "Whattt! I'm just saying guys. Don't talk shit if you can't take it back."

Pico: "its whatever guys. Just leave it alone"

Marisa: "were gonna go smoke at the river park behind the trees again- wanna come and get that test off your mind? And mabey I'll even give you a treat..~" she said touching my chest to my shoulders.

Pico: "nah- I gotta go by the library to pick up something Mrs.K sent out for me." I said taking her hands off me. I have no idea why she acts like we are dating. I told her I wasn't into committing, but its whatever at this point.

Marisa: "o-oh..umm..okay? Heh whatever."

Darrell: "dam that sucks man..welp! We'll be behind the trees brotha! Come by if you finish early" he said walking away with Nene, Cage, and Marisa.

Pico: "yeah..see yah'" I said walking the other way..the library..you have got to be kidding me..




•The School Failure•..//Pico X Keith//(smut)(15+)(TW GUNS, DRUGS, ECT.)Where stories live. Discover now